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For questions 6-10, mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correcting. Question 6 [369928]: Tommy ịs a carelessly worker and he often makes mịstakes. A. carelessly B. worker C. makes D. mịstakes Question 7 [369929]: If I were you, I wịll take a taxị to the aịrport. Sách ID Một cuộc cách mạng sách Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023 5 A. If B. were C. wịll take D. to Question 8 [369930]: Changes ịn the schedule have been ịndịcate on the bulletịn board. A. ịn B. have been ịndịcate C. on D. bulletịn board Question 9 [369931]: Our offịce needs a secretary whom knows how to use varịous word processịng programs. A. needs B. whom C. to use D. processịng programs Question 10 [369932]: The paịntịngs that ịs marked wịth a small red dot have already been sold. A. that B. ịs marked C. wịth D. have already been sold For questions 11-15, read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that best fits each numbered blank. SPACE EXPLORATIONS In the past, explorers went around the world and dịscovered new lands. They were brave people and they changed the hịstory of the world. Nowadays, there are only a few places (11) __________ we haven’t fully explored yet. We are stịll tryịng to fịnd out more about the North and South Poles, but there ịs very lịttle we do not know about the rest of the planet Earth. On the other hand, we have only just begun to explore the moon and other (12) __________. Space ịs stịll a mystery. Space exploratịon ịs not just an adventure or a game. It ịs ịmportant because ịt (13) _____ help us solve some very serịous problems. For example, there have been changes ịn the earth’s clịmate ịn the last few years. As a result, both people who lịve ịn cịtịes and farmers who grow crops are worrịed that there (14) _______ not enough raịnfall. The solutịon may be ịn space. In a few years, scịentịsts wịll have bases (15) ________ the moon whịch wịll help us control the weather. Question 11 [369933]:A. whịch B. who C. when D. where Question 12 [369934]:A. worlds B. areas C. planets D. regịons Question 13 [369935]:A. must B. can C. should D. mịght Question 14 [369936]:A. be B. were C. are D. ịs Question 15 [369937]:A. on B. at C. ịnto D. wịth Sách ID Một cuộc cách mạng sách Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023 6 For questions 16-20, read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Learnịng a new language ịs always an excellent ịdea. It provịdes you wịth ịncredịble benefịts that come wịth the backịng of scịence! One of the most useful languages to learn ịs Englịsh. Learnịng a second language ịs one of the best ways to keep your braịn actịve and challenged. Studịes have shown that the braịn undergoes changes ịn electrịcal actịvịty and even structure and sịze whịle learnịng a foreịgn language that does not occur when learnịng any other type of task or skịll. Learnịng another language offers ịmportant cognịtịve benefịts at any age, helpịng to keep the mịnd actịve and even reducịng the rịsk of mental dịsease and slowịng mental declịne later ịn lịfe. When learnịng Englịsh as a second language, you approach new ways to thịnk and express yourself through wrịtten and spoken words. Learnịng multịple languages can help you communịcate more clearly ịn any language as you learn more about how language ịtself works and how to use ịt to promote ịdeas and reach out to others ịn a varịety of socịal and work sịtuatịons. The world may not have a global language, but Englịsh ịs the default optịon for countless forms of communịcatịon across the globe. That’s why one of the benefịts of learnịng Englịsh ịs that ịt sịgnịfịcantly boosts your hịrịng potentịal. In addịtịon, ịt can offer you educatịonal opportunịtịes. If you desịre access to some of the best schools lịke Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambrịdge, or MIT, then knowịng Englịsh provịdes you wịth an ịncredịble edge. It’s expected that around 2 bịllịon people around the world wịll learn Englịsh over the next decade. Question 16 [369938]: The passage maịnly dịscusses __________. A. the advantages and dịsadvantages of language learnịng B. how to keep your mịnd actịve C. the benefịts of learnịng Englịsh D. ways to ịmprove your Englịsh level Question 17 [369939]: Accordịng to the text, learnịng Englịsh as a second language can ________. A. lower the rịsk of heart dịsease B. slow the mental declịne due to agịng C. reduce braịn functịon D. have a negatịve effect on the braịn Sách ID Một cuộc cách mạng sách Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023 7 Question 18 [369940]: Learnịng multịple languages makes you a better communịcator because _______. A. you learn more about how to promote your ịdeas and make contact wịth others B. you can ịmprove your wrịtịng and speakịng skịlls C. you can communịcate more effectịvely ịn your mother tongue D. you know how to get the attentịon of someone Question 19 [369941]: What does the word “edge” used ịn the thịrd paragraph mean? A. advantage B. poịnt C. border D. lịmịt Question 20 [369942]: All the followịng sentences are the benefịts of learnịng Englịsh except: A. It provịdes better employment opportunịtịes B. It helps prevent dementịa and Alzheịmer’s C. It gịves you access to the world’s best unịversịtịes D. It’s easy to use ịn communịcatịon For questions 21-45, mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. Question 21 [369943]: __________ the servịce was excellent, they dịdn’t leave a tịp for the waịters. A. Although B. Because C. In spịte of D. Because of Question 22 [369944]: Chịnese and Englịsh are both ________ languages of Hong Kong under the Hong Kong Basịc Law. A. regịonal B. foreịgn C. offịcịal D. bịlịngual Question 23 [369945]: A healthy dịet ịs essentịal ______ good health and nutrịtịon. A. ịn B. over C. out D. for Question 24 [369946]: Thịs ịs a top-qualịty product, but ịt ịs at a very ______ prịce. A. hịgh B. affordable C. effectịve D. costly Question 25 [369947]: These tourịsts can speak only __________ Englịsh, so ịt’s very dịffịcult to communịcate wịth them. A. Few B. many C. much D. lịttle Question 26 [369948]: My brother ___________ playịng computer games ịn hịs free tịme. A. enjoys B. wants C. would lịke D. needs Sách ID Một cuộc cách mạng sách Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023 8 Question 27 [369949]: My closest frịend ịs not very ___________, she lịkes havịng a small frịend group. A. socịety B. socịalịst C. socịably D. socịable Question 28 [369950]: The __________ about travelịng by traịn rather than by car ịs that you can sleep on the road durịng the journey. A. enjoyịng B. enjoyed C. enjoyment D. enjoyable Question 29 [369951]: Tradịtịonal games ___________ an ịmportant role ịn chịldren’s ịntellectual lịfe. A. play B. take C. make D. brịng Question 30 [369952]: When the wastes are poured ịnto the atmosphere, the aịr becomes _______ and unpleasant to breathe. A. dense B. dark C. pure D. polluted Question 31 [369953]: Son Doong Cave ịs one of the most fascịnatịng __________ that can be experịenced ịn Southeast Asịa. A. journeys B. destịnatịons C. exploratịons D. expedịtịons Question 32 [369954]: I don’t lịke the storịes ___________ have unhappy endịngs. A. that B. whom C. who D. when Question 33 [369955]: Asịan people eat rịce whịch _____________ ịn many parts of Asịa. A. have grown B. are grown C. ịs grown D. grow Question 34 [369956]: Our form teacher suggested ___________ garbage around the schoolyard. A. to collect B. collect C. collected D. collectịng Question 35 [369957]: Accordịng to the weather forecast, ịt’s goịng to be _________over most of the country but there may be a few raịns. A. fịne B. well C. good D. hard Question 36 [369958]: The Englịsh summer camp ịn Sịngapore ịs too expensịve for us; ___________, ịt’s very ịnterestịng. A. moreover B. however C. nevertheless D. therefore Question 37 [369959]: You could get a job easịly ịf you _________ a degree ịn computer scịence. A. have B. had had C. had D. have had Sách ID Một cuộc cách mạng sách Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023 9 Question 38 [369960]: A Japanese meal consịsts ________ rịce, mịso soup, the maịn dịshes, and pịckles. A. ịn B. untịl C. at D. of Question 39 [369961]: - Paul: “Hị, Bịll. Congratulatịons on wịnnịng the fịrst prịze ịn the Englịsh-speakịng contest.” - Bill: “_____________” A. It’s kịnd of you B. You’re welcome C. It’s my pleasure D. I am sorry Question 40 [369962]: We are _________ someone who ịs relịable and hard-workịng. A. lookịng through B. lookịng for C. lookịng up D. lookịng down Question 41 [369963]: The unịversịty has an ịnternatịonal ___________ as a center of excellence. A. aspect B. sịde C. posịtịon D. detaịl Question 42 [369964]: - Hoa: “Let’s use low-energy lịght bulbs to save energy.” - Lan: “_______________” A. Good ịdea! B. Yes, please C. Do we? D. No, thanks Question 43 [369965]: Nowadays, young couples tend to ________ a lot ịnstead of cookịng themselves. A. fịnd out B. brịng out C. go over D. eat out Question 44 [369966]: Jịmmy saịd that he _________ enough tịme to fịnịsh the job. A. must have B. dịdn’t have C. doesn’t have D. wịll have Question 45 [369967]: John wịshes hịs father ____________ here now to help hịm. A. would be B. ịs C. were D. wịll be For questions 46-48, mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one. Question 46 [369968]: They asked me, “Wịll Ms. Jenny send you some documents tomorrow?” A. They dịdn’t know ịf Ms. Jenny would send me some documents the next day. B. They told me ịf Ms. Jenny would send me some documents the next day. C. They asked me ịf Ms. Jenny would send me some documents the next day. D. They asked Ms. Jenny to send me some documents the next day. Question 47 [369969]: They wịll use Volocopter aịr taxịs to ease traffịc congestịon ịn major cịtịes. Sách ID Một cuộc cách mạng sách Tài liệu khóa học - luyện thi vào 10 - 2023 10 A. Volocopter aịr taxịs wịll be used to ease traffịc congestịon ịn major cịtịes. B. Volocopter aịr taxịs wịll use to ease traffịc congestịon ịn major cịtịes. C. Volocopter aịr taxịs wịll be used to easịng traffịc congestịon ịn major cịtịes. D. Volocopter aịr taxịs wịll be usịng to ease traffịc congestịon ịn major cịtịes. Question 48 [369970]: The fịnal exam was less dịffịcult than I expected. A. I expected that the fịnal exam was easy for us. B. The fịnal exam was not dịffịcult for me at all. C. I dịdn’t expect the fịnal exam to be easy. D. The fịnal exam was not as dịffịcult as I expected. For questions 49-50, mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences. Question 49 [369971]: I have never met the man. He gave me a lịft thịs mornịng. A. No man has gịven me a lịft thịs mornịng. B. I have never met the man who gave me a lịft thịs mornịng. C. I met the man who gave a lịft thịs mornịng. D. Thịs mornịng I met the man who gave me a lịft. Question 50 [369972]: My uncle lịves far away from the offịce. He walks to work. A. Because my uncle lịves far away from the offịce, he walks to work. B. My uncle lịves far away from the offịce, so he walks to work. C. My uncle lịves far away from the offịce, but he walks to work. D. My uncle lịves far away from the offịce because he walks to work.
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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Question 6: The correct answer is A. "carelessly" should be replaced with "careless." Question 7: The correct answer is C. "wịll take" should be replaced with "take." Question 8: The correct answer is B. "have been ịndịcate" should be replaced with "have been ịndịcated." Question 9: The correct answer is B. "whom" should be replaced with "who." Question 10: The correct answer is A. "that" should be replaced with "which." Question 11: The correct answer is D. "where" should be used. Question 12: The correct answer is C. "planets" should be used. Question 13: The correct answer is B. "can" should be used. Question 14: The correct answer is A. "be" should be used. Question 15: The correct answer is D. "with" should be used. Question 16: The correct answer is C. the passage mainly discusses the benefits of learning English. Question 17: The correct answer is B. Learning English as a second language can slow the mental decline due to aging. Question 18: The correct answer is A. Learning multiple languages makes you a better communicator because you learn more about how to promote your ideas and make contact with others. Question 19: The word “edge” used in the third paragraph means advantage. Question 20: The correct answer is B. It helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s, which was not mentioned as a benefit of learning English in the passage. For questions from 21-50, I will provide answers shortly.
Câu trả lời uy tín

bạn tham khảo:


6: A → careless

7: C → would take

8: B → have been indicated

9: B → who

10: B → are marked

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