Task C (CRITICAL THINK) - Talk with a partner. What can be the problems for foreign travelers when they live with a host family in a homestay? - SHS Explore English 8 page 88

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

(TƯ DUY PHẢN BIỆN). Thảo luận với  bạn cùng bàn. Điều gì có thể là vấn đề đối với du khách nước ngoài khi họ sống với một gia đình người bản xứ?


2. Phương pháp giải

Thảo luận và đưa ra các thông tin phản hồi phù hợp


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Student A: Have you ever thought about the problems that foreign travelers might face when living with a host family in a homestay?

Student B: Yeah, definitely! While it can be great, there can also be some challenges. One problem could be the language barrier. If the host family doesn't speak the same language as the traveler, it can be hard to understand each other and might lead to misunderstandings.

Student A: Yeah, communication is really important. Another challenge could be getting used to different customs and traditions. The host family might have different expectations or ways of doing things that the foreign traveler might not be familiar with, which could make things a bit uncomfortable

or confusing.

Student B: Exactly. Different cultures can be tricky to navigate. Also, food could be a problem. The host family might cook meals that don't match the traveler's dietary needs or preferences, which could make it hard to find suitable food.

Student A: That's true. It's important to let the host family know about any dietary restrictions or preferences beforehand to avoid any issues. Another problem could be privacy. The idea of personal space and privacy might be different for the host family, so the traveler might need to adjust their


Student B: Yeah, privacy is an important thing to consider. And homesickness could also be a challenge. Being away from home and loved ones can sometimes make the traveler feel homesick, especially if they're staying for a long time.

Student A: Definitely. Homesickness can be tough, but it's important to stay positive and find ways to connect with the host family and the local community to feel more at home. Lastly, safety is important. While most homestays are safe, it's still important for foreign travelers to be careful and choose

trustworthy hosts to avoid any risks.

Student B: Yeah, safety should always come first. Checking reviews and recommendations can help find a safe homestay. Despite these challenges, living with a host family in a homestay can still be an amazing and rewarding experience.

Student A: Absolutely! It gives a chance to experience the local culture and make lifelong connections. By being aware of these potential problems and taking precautions, foreign travelers can have a memorable and meaningful homestay experience.

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