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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
31. Has the letters which I want been typed yet? Correction: Has the letter which I want been typed yet? Explanation: The word "letters" should be singular because it is referring to a specific letter that the speaker wants. 32. When GCSEs are taken in secondary school, they can often combined with other qualifications, or diplomas. Correction: When GCSEs are taken in secondary school, they can often be combined with other qualifications or diplomas. Explanation: The word "combined" should be followed by the auxiliary verb "be" to form the passive voice. 33. If you have already decided on a course that you would like to study at university, or we recommend that you take a look at the course requirements first. Correction: If you have already decided on a course that you would like to study at university, we recommend that you take a look at the course requirements first. Explanation: The word "or" is unnecessary and should be removed. 34. The term "economic reform" refers to policies directing by the government to achieve improvements in economic efficiency. Correction: The term "economic reform" refers to policies directed by the government to achieve improvements in economic efficiency. Explanation: The word "directing" should be changed to "directed" to match the past participle form of the verb "direct." 35. Economic reforms started since 1986 in Vietnam have helped millions of people to be out of poverty and bringing the poverty rate down. Correction: Economic reforms started since 1986 in Vietnam have helped millions of people to get out of poverty and bring the poverty rate down. Explanation: The phrase "to be out of poverty" should be changed to "to get out of poverty" to indicate the action of moving from poverty to a better financial situation. Additionally, the word "bringing" should be changed to "bring" to match the verb tense of the sentence.
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Câu trả lời uy tín

31. A. Has
→ Have the letters which I want been typed yet?

The letters là chủ ngữ số nhiều, trợ động từ cần dùng là have

32. C. combined
→ When GCSEs are taken in secondary school, they can often be combined with other qualifications or diplomas.
Bị động động từ khuyết thiếu: can + be PII


33. C. or we
→ If you have already decided on a course that you would like to study at university, we recommend that you take a look at the course requirements first.
Or nối 2 lựa chọn. Đây là câu điều kiện, không phải 2 lựa chọn


34. B. directing
→ The term "economic reform" refers to policies directed by the government to achieve improvements in economic efficiency.
Rút gọn bị động thành PII


35. D. bringing
→ Economic reforms started since 1986 in Vietnam have helped millions of people to be out of poverty and to bring the poverty rate down.
help + to be/ to V, đằng trước đã có to be, từ and nối 2 từ cùng dạng thức

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