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Trả lời câu hỏi của LTQN130808

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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Phần 1: - What's your favorite type of weather? My favorite type of weather is sunny and warm. I enjoy being outdoors when the sun is shining. - Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? I prefer reading books because I find it relaxing and it allows me to use my imagination. Phần 2: - Do you come from a large family? Yes, I come from a large family with four siblings. - Would you take a friend on a family holiday? Yes, I would take a close friend on a family holiday if they were comfortable with it. - The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together? The last time I saw my friends, we went out for dinner and watched a movie together. Phần 3: Is salary important to you? Salary is important to me as it affects my quality of life and financial stability. What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country? Jobs in the service industry or teaching English are often easier to get in foreign countries. Should young adults work abroad? Working abroad can be a valuable experience for young adults to broaden their horizons and gain new skills. If they don't work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel to a foreign country? Traveling to a foreign country can still be beneficial for personal growth and cultural understanding even if one does not work there. Is it hard to find an interesting job in your country? It can be challenging to find an interesting job in my country due to high competition and limited opportunities in certain fields. What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview? People should research the company, practice common interview questions, and prepare examples of their skills and experiences. Why do some people keep changing their jobs? Some people may change jobs frequently seeking better opportunities, career growth, or job satisfaction. What should a good employer do? A good employer should provide fair compensation, opportunities for professional development, clear communication, and support for employees' well-being. How would you define 'an interesting job'? An interesting job is one that challenges me intellectually, allows me to learn new things, and gives me a sense of fulfillment. What are the disadvantages of working overtime? Working overtime can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, poor work-life balance, and negative impact on health.
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Phần 1:

  • Person A: What's your favorite type of weather? (30s)
  • Person B: I enjoy sunny days with a gentle breeze.
  • Person B: Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? (30s)
  • Person A: I prefer reading books because they allow me to use my imagination.

Phần 2:

  • Person A: Do you come from a large family?
  • Person B: No, I come from a small family with just my parents and me.
  • Person B: Would you take a friend on a family holiday?
  • Person A: Yes, if my friend and family get along well.
  • Person A: The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
  • Person B: We went out for dinner and watched a movie afterwards.

Phần 3:

  • Is salary important to you?
  • Yes, salary is important as it determines my standard of living.
  • What is the impact of salary on doing work?
  • A good salary can motivate me to work harder and stay committed.
  • What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?
  • Jobs in hospitality or teaching English are often easier to find.
  • Should young adults work abroad?
  • It can be beneficial for personal growth and career opportunities.
  • If they don't work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel to a foreign country?
  • Yes, traveling broadens one's perspective and cultural understanding.
  • Is it hard to find an interesting job in your country?
  • It can be challenging due to competition and limited opportunities.
  • What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?
  • Research the company, practice common interview questions, and dress appropriately.
  • Why do some people keep changing their jobs?
  • They may seek better opportunities, job satisfaction, or career growth.
  • What should a good employer do?
  • A good employer should provide fair compensation, a positive work environment, and opportunities for growth.
  • How would you define 'an interesting job'?
  • An interesting job is one that aligns with my passions, challenges me, and allows room for growth.
  • What are the disadvantages of working overtime?
  • Working overtime can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and strained work-life balance.
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Part 4: Find ONE mistake in each sentence and correct it: 1. Neither Nam nor his parents was on the beach with us yesterday. 2. The company held an important event in the evening of last Sunday. 3. The...
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    Xác nhận Nền tảng kết nối cộng đồng hỗ trợ giải bài tập học sinh trong khối K12. Sản phẩm được phát triển bởi CÔNG TY TNHH CÔNG NGHỆ GIA ĐÌNH (FTECH CO., LTD)
    Điện thoại: 1900636019 Email:
    Location Địa chỉ: Số 21 Ngõ Giếng, Phố Đông Các, Phường Ô Chợ Dừa, Quận Đống Đa, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
    Tải ứng dụng FQA
    Người chịu trách nhiệm quản lý nội dung: Nguyễn Tuấn Quang Giấy phép thiết lập MXH số 07/GP-BTTTT do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp ngày 05/01/2024
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