Task - Work in pairs. Take turns to describe and compare the photos. Then ask and answer the following questions - SHS Friends Global 11 page 71

1. Nội dung câu hỏi


1 Do you agree that in the modern world, science is a more important subject than languages? Give reasons.

2 Do you think technology sometimes makes it harder for people to communicate with each other? Why?/ Why not?


2. Phương pháp giải

Làm việc theo cặp. Thay phiên nhau mô tả và so sánh các bức ảnh. Sau đó hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Student A: In picture A, a teacher is standing in front of the class and teaching a lesson. In picture B, on the other hand, a student is working on a laptop while wearing headphones. It looks like the student is working on an individual task.

Student B: I agree. It's interesting to see how technology is being used in the classroom in both pictures. In picture A, the teacher is likely using a whiteboard or projector to help illustrate their lesson, while in picture B, the student is using a laptop to complete their work.

Student A: Yes, that's a good point. It seems like technology is becoming more integrated into the classroom, allowing for more individualized learning and different modes of teaching.

Student B: Yes, I agree. Technology can be a powerful tool for learning, but it's important to use it responsibly. For example, students should be mindful of distractions and make sure they are using their laptops for educational purposes.

Student A: Another difference is the level of interaction between the teacher and students. In picture A, the teacher is leading the lesson, while in picture B, the student is working independently.

Student B: That's true. However, it's important to note that both forms of learning and teaching have their advantages and disadvantages. In picture A, the teacher is able to provide direct instruction and support to all students. In picture B, the student is able to learn at their own

pace and focus on their individual needs.

Student A: Yes, I agree. It's important to find a balance between teacher-led and student-centered learning. The best approach will vary depending on the subject, the students, and the learning objectives.

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