Family life

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Trả lời câu hỏi của Hồng Nhung

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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here's an essay on "Family Life" for Vietnamese students learning English: Family is the basic unit of society, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our personalities and values. A happy family life is essential for the growth and development of individuals, especially children. In a traditional Vietnamese family, the father is usually the breadwinner, while the mother takes care of the household chores and the children. However, in modern times, this trend is changing, and many women are now working outside the home to support their families. A happy family life is built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. Family members should spend quality time together, sharing their experiences and feelings. Parents should be role models for their children, teaching them good values and morals. In addition to spending time together, family members should also respect each other's individuality. Children should be allowed to make their own decisions and express their own opinions. This will help them develop their self-confidence and independence. In conclusion, family life is a vital part of our lives. By building strong, loving relationships within our families, we can create a happy and supportive environment that benefits everyone. Note: This essay is written in simple English, suitable for Vietnamese students learning English.
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Hồng Nhung divorce

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Duong Nguyen


Hồng Nhung family life : cuộc sống gia đình
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