1. A. childhood - ˈʧaɪldhʊd, B. biography - baɪˈɑgrəfi, C. marriage - ˈmɛrɪʤ, D. biological - baɪəˈlɑʤɪkəl
Answer: A
Reason: All options except "childhood" have the "ai" combination pronounced as /aɪ/ with a secondary stress on the second syllable.
2. A. admire - ædˈmaɪr, B. achievement - əˈʧivmənt, C. adopt - əˈdɑpt, D. army - ˈɑrmi
Answer: A
Reason: "admire" has a distinct /æd/ sound, whereas other options start with a different sound.
3. A. campaign - kæmˈpeɪn, B. diary - ˈdaɪəri, C. biography - baɪˈɑgrəfi, D. military - ˈmɪlɪtɛri
Answer: D
Reason: All options except "military" have the "ai" combination pronounced as /aɪ/, while "military" has the "i" sound pronounced as /ɪ/.
4. A. stylish - ˈstaɪlɪʃ, B. contribution - kɑntrəˈbjuʃən, C. achievement - əˈʧivmənt, D. communist - ˈkɑmjənəst
Answer: C
Reason: "achievement" is the only option with the stress on the second syllable.
5. A. diagnosed - daɪəgˈnoʊst, B. distinguished - dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt, C. passed - pæst, D. launched - lɔnʧt
Answer: C
Reason: All options except "passed" have at least two syllables, while "passed" has only one syllable with a distinct /æst/ sound.
1. Analyze:
'campaign' stressed at second syllable
'duty' stressed at first syllable
'genius' stressed at first syllable
'knowledge' stressed at first syllable
Therefore, 'campaign' has a different stress position to other words.
Answer: A. campaign
2. Analyze:
'cancer' stressed at first syllable
'army' stressed at first syllable
'battle' stressed at first syllable
'account' stressed at second syllable
Therefore, 'account' has a different stress position to other words.
Answer: D. account
3. Analyze:
'impact' stressed at second syllable
'inspire' stressed at second syllable
'decide' stressed at second syllable
'prefer' stressed at second syllable
All of these words have stress at the second syllable, so there's no difference.
However, since 'impact' has stress at 'im-' but others do not, a more nuanced explanation would involve what happens to words with the same stress pattern - sometimes we look at where exactly within that syllable the stress lies. But given the choices here, it's fair to conclude there is no correct answer among these options because none is explicitly different according to the provided data. However, this particular question does not have a correct answer choice based on the standard rules for syllable stress.
Answer: None, but if forced to pick one, based on no noticeable difference from syllable stress alone, perhaps "B. inspire" could be used as the best worst guess.
4. Analyze:
'considerate' stressed at second syllable
'priority' stressed at second syllable
'influential' stressed at third syllable
'experience' stressed at second syllable
Therefore, 'influential' has a different stress position to other words.
Answer: C. influential
5. Analyze:
'ambitious' stressed at second syllable
'visionary' stressed at first syllable
'creative' stressed at second syllable
'impressive' stressed at second syllable
Therefore, 'visionary' has a different stress position to other words.
Answer: B. visionary
Here are the answers:
1. A. biological
2. D. diagnosed
3. C. bonded
4. A. army
5. C. achievement
6. A. soldiers
7. B. stylish
8. C. passed away
9. A. genius
10. D. dedicated