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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
I'll do my best to assist you with these questions. 18. Vick i lkkng omm oooss to._____whh mooo wwiicc ss i The correct answer is B. to meet. 19. My sisee hhn biiisssskng hh___... hho giigg.... The correct answer is B. loves to play. 20. Vex promiee_______ho hhii iitte eeee ee nniittt The correct answer is C. to meet up. 21. Nam is leeking fowwan______ttheeeeut heeeee... The correct answer is A. to study. 22. My booher is aabbookwooon____ enn kkk iiiii iittt. The correct answer is A. the messiest. 23. Nowadays, the relziiooship beewoon paroots ans children is mee______hhh inntth The correct answer is D. more strained. 24. The Great Pyramid of Gira is con of the famous akk aai woodrrs oo thee wrl The correct answer is A. artificial. 25. Do you mind not talking about the gatl in such a negatrve way?? The correct answer is A. to avoid. 26. In the past, children played lots of traditional oundoor games such as hide-and. The correct answer is A. ancient. 27. My mother often tells me never to accent a inf from someone I've just met? The correct answer is B. refuse. 28. Linna and MMry are talking aboutta trip to HHue iity Linda: "'' gooigg The correct answer is A. That's great. Are you excited? 29. An: "Mr. Buong asked you if you finished your homework that The correct answer is C. Yes, he did. 3.7 wish I _____ alf the natural and man-made wonders of Viet Nam. The correct answer is D. could visit. I was born in a very poor family, so I had little opportunity to _____my The correct answer is B. pursue. 8. Wowld om iit______i ow??? The correct answer is C. affect. 9. Laurs, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I _____ wokk The correct answer is C. should. 11. Mr Buoog geomisedd _____ togethpe fr saafeyy since the area was so dangrrus.. The correct answer is B. to travel. 12. The claging sound of the Ha Noi tram inn_____19900 hass goee depp into pepple' The correct answer is B. the. 13. Jobn lixed in a muclear family with only his parents and has. ____?? The correct answer is C. does he. 14. ine in Ho Chi Minh City is _____ than we thooggt at ffrss The correct answer is D. much busier. 15. Viet Nam experienced decades of flghting for freedom, ____ we tridd oo rotect The correct answer is B. because. 17. wish I _____ alf the natural and man-made wonders of Viet Nam. The correct answer is D. could visit. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification on any of these answers!
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Người chịu trách nhiệm quản lý nội dung: Nguyễn Tuấn Quang Giấy phép thiết lập MXH số 07/GP-BTTTT do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp ngày 05/01/2024
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