To determine the correct column for each word based on the underlined part, we'll analyze the pronunciation of each word, focusing on the starting sound that corresponds to either /br/ or /pr/. Here's the analysis:
1. April - ˈeɪprəl: starts with /eɪ/, not /br/ or /pr/, but since it has a "pr" in the middle, we might consider it. However, for the purpose of this exercise, we focus on the starting sound, so it doesn't fit perfectly in either category based on the beginning sound.
2. branch - brænʧ: starts with /br/, so it goes in the /br/ column.
3. footprints - ˈfʊtprɪnts: starts with /fʊt/, not /br/ or /pr/, so it doesn't fit in either category based on the initial sound.
4. bread - brɛd: starts with /br/, so it goes in the /br/ column.
5. broom - brum: starts with /br/, so it goes in the /br/ column.
6. prize - praɪz: starts with /pr/, so it goes in the /pr/ column.
7. present - ˈprɛzənt: starts with /pr/, so it goes in the /pr/ column.
8. prince - prɪns: starts with /pr/, so it goes in the /pr/ column.
9. toothbrush - ˈtuθbrəʃ: starts with /tuθ/, not /br/ or /pr/, so it doesn't fit in either category based on the initial sound.
10. brick - brɪk: starts with /br/, so it goes in the /br/ column.
11. professor - prəˈfɛsər: starts with /pr/, so it goes in the /pr/ column.
12. print - prɪnt: starts with /pr/, so it goes in the /pr/ column.
13. bridge - brɪʤ: starts with /br/, so it goes in the /br/ column.
14. pretty - ˈprɪti: starts with /pr/, so it goes in the /pr/ column.
15. bride - braɪd: starts with /br/, so it goes in the /br/ column.
The words that start with the /br/ sound are:
- branch
- bread
- broom
- brick
- bridge
- bride
The words that start with the /pr/ sound are:
- prize
- present
- prince
- professor
- print
- pretty
Based on the given words and their IPA notations, the words containing the sound /br/ are:
* branches (ˈbrænʧɪz)
* brothers (ˈbrəðərz)
* browsing (ˈbraʊzɪŋ)
The words containing the sound /pr/ are:
* precious (ˈprɛʃəs)
* private (ˈpraɪvət)
* project (ˈprɑʤɛkt)
* pronunciation (prənənsiˈeɪʃən)
So the answer is:
1. Gold and silver are _precious_ metals.
2. The bank has many _branches_ all over the country.
3. He never talks about his _private_ life with anybody at work.
4. How many _brothers_ and sisters do you have?
5. The new television series was an expensive _project_.
6. I spend two hours every day _browsing_ the Web.
7. She'll teach us how to play English _pronunciation_ games.
8. I have some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.
Exercise 2 - with single underline for the words containing /br/ and double underline for the words containing /pr/:
1. Gold and silver are __precious__ metals.
2. The bank has many _branches_ all over the country.
3. He never talks about his __private__ life with anybody at work.
4. How many _brothers_ and sisters do you have?
5. The new television series was an expensive __project__.
6. I spend two hours every day _browsing_ the Web.
7. She'll teach us how to play English __pronunciation__ games.
8. I have some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.
1. D. climb (the others have "e" in their pronunciation but "climb" has "aɪ")
2. A. practice (the others have the "ei", "eɪ", "aɪ" but "practice" has "æ")
3. C. present (the others have the "ɛs", "ɛʃəs", "ɛs" but "present" has "ɛzənt")
4. B. weave (the others have the monophthongs: iʧ, ɛ, ɛd but "weave" has diphthong: "aɪv")
5. A. simple (the others have the "ɪ" in their second syllable or the diphthongs but "simple" has "ɪmpəl")
6. C. avoid (the others have the "æ", "ɑ", "aɪ" but "avoid" has "ɔɪ")
7. B. base (the others have the monophthongs: ɪ, ɑ but "base" has diphthong: "eɪs")
8. B. improve (the others have the "oʊ" but "improve" has "ɪ")
9. D. resident (the others have the "ɛʃəs", "sərv", "tɛk" but "resident" has "rɛzɪdənt")
10. A. diet (the others have the "aɪ" but "diet" has "aɪət")
1. A. famous B. common C. staple D. avoid
Analyze: 'famous' stressed at first syllable, 'common' stressed at first syllable, 'staple' stressed at first syllable, 'avoid' stressed at second syllable
Answer: D. avoid
2. A. occasion B. disagree C. tradition D. expensive
Analyze: 'occasion' stressed at second syllable, 'disagree' stressed at third syllable, 'tradition' stressed at second syllable, 'expensive' stressed at second syllable
Answer: B. disagree
3. A. harmful B. maintain C. lifestyle D. freedom
Analyze: 'harmful' stressed at first syllable, 'maintain' stressed at second syllable, 'lifestyle' stressed at first syllable, 'freedom' stressed at first syllable
Answer: B. maintain
4. A. healthy B. hurry C. online D. modern
Analyze: 'healthy' stressed at first syllable, 'hurry' stressed at first syllable, 'online' stressed at first syllable, 'modern' stressed at first syllable
All words are stressed at the first syllable.
Answer: This question cannot be answered in the given format as none of the words have a different stress pattern to the others.
5. A. improve B. habit C. native D. famous
Analyze: 'improve' stressed at second syllable, 'habit' stressed at first syllable, 'native' stressed at first syllable, 'famous' stressed at first syllable
Answer: A. improve
6. A. balance B. common C. cuisine D. diet
Analyze: 'balance' stressed at first syllable, 'common' stressed at first syllable, 'cuisine' stressed at second syllable, 'diet' stressed at first syllable
Answer: C. cuisine