With its human-like appearance and ability to walk and talk, Sophia is considered the most ________robot in the world Chọn một đáp án đúng A advanced B new C fast D big Câu 7 This programmer uses stude...

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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Câu 1: With its human-like appearance and ability to walk and talk, Sophia is considered the most **advanced** robot in the world. Câu 7: This programmer uses student’s answers to **analyse** their language proficiency. Câu 8: This programmer uses student’s answers to analyse their language **proficiency**. Câu 9: Many businesses use chatbot to **offer** real-time customer support. Câu 10: We have no idea about the future of AI in space **exploration**. Câu 11: People will have robots do all the **delivery services** for them. Câu 12: They will upgrade his computer to **improve** its performance. Câu 13: These have been some **worries about** AI taking over the world. Câu 14: Artificial intelligence has had a huge **impact on** education. Câu 15: Thanks to AI, they can now do that **effortlessly** online. Câu 16: A team from two famous universities in Singapore has invented an AI digital **portfolio**. Câu 17: This new way of teaching helps students learn valuable skills, provides “**hands on**” experiences when studying history or geography, and limits potential dangers of chemistry or physics experiments. Câu 18: They can help keep students **engaged in** their learning by providing a more interactive experience. Câu 19: There are also thousands of chemistry and biology students who benefit from this **software**. Câu 20: Chatbots may not be able to answer **complex** questions that need making decisions. Câu 21: I think a chatbot app is an **effective** application because it can help students understand difficult concepts and provide instant and personalised support throughout the course. Câu 22: If available, we can use it during and after classes to **clarify** points and get feedback on homework. Câu 23: Humans can become **dependent** on AI technologies. Câu 24: In 1949, the British inventor William Grey Walter introduced the first machine which could slowly move in response to light **stimulus**. Câu 25: The late 1990s marked a **milestone** in the history of robots when Kismet, a robotic head designed to provoke and react to emotions, was created. Câu 26: Computer **software** is used by travel agents to create virtual destinations. Câu 27: Tech World Magazine Online is looking to fill two vacancies in its **technology** section. Câu 28: In the future, we might see more **applications** of AI in every aspect of life. Câu 29: Websites use artificial intelligence to **learn about** users' shopping preferences and recommend products or services. Câu 30: It is quite simple to **activate** this robot and ask it to perform some tasks. Câu 31: If available, we can use it during and after classes to **clarify** points and get feedback on homework. Câu 32: I think a chatbot app is an effective application because it can help students understand difficult concepts and provide **instant** and personalised support throughout the course. Câu 33: Thanks to AI, they can now do that **effortlessly** online. Câu 34: In the future, we might see more **applications** of AI in every aspect of life. Câu 35: Would you mind telling me more about the **challenges** of using AI chatbots in classroom?
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