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4 giờ trước

Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here are the answers to the given blanks with one preposition or adverb particle. 1. The manager brought **up** an important point during the meeting about financial projections. 2. He tried to fend **off** the reporters who were asking intrusive questions about his family. 3. She couldn't help but break **down** when she heard the news of her loss. 4. The company will phase **out** the older models as they introduce new technology. 5. We need to account **for** every penny spent during the trip for reimbursement purposes. 6. He has been trying to brush **up** his Spanish before traveling to Mexico. 7. They came **up** with a brilliant idea to solve the problem during the brainstorming session. 8. She tried to talk him **into** accepting the job offer despite his initial hesitation. 9. They're planning to roll **out** new product line next month for young audiences. 10. The team will carry **on** the project once the budget is finalized by the board. 11. He put **forward** an alternative proposal that addressed the main concerns raised by the stakeholders. 12. You should stick **to** the schedule if you want to complete the project on time. 13. The issue was too complex to sum **up** in just a few sentences. 14. She had to stand **in** for her colleague who was unable to attend the meeting. 15. The company laid **off** hundreds of employees due to financial challenges during the economic downturn. 16. We'll need to zero **in** on the main issue to find an effective solution. 17. He tried to pass **off** the fake painting as an authentic piece by a famous artist. 18. The new policy will tie **in** with the government's goals of reducing carbon emissions. 19. She decided to cut **back** on her expenses to save money for her vacation. 20. The investigation will look **into** allegations of fraud within the organization over the past year. 21. They managed to pull **off** the event despite numerous challenges and last-minute changes to the schedule. 22. His ideas are difficult to pin **down** because he keeps changing his perspective. 23. The meeting didn't pan **out** as expected, and they had to postpone the decision. 24. The project started to fall **apart** after the team leader left unexpectedly. 25. We need to sort **out** the logistical issues before moving forward with the plan. 26. He had to take **apart** the engine to figure out what was causing the problem. 27. The boss will follow **through** on her promise to give bonuses if we meet the deadline. 28. She tried to win **over** the skeptical audience with a powerful and engaging presentation. 29. The noise from the construction site is bearing **down** on my ability to concentrate.
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Người chịu trách nhiệm quản lý nội dung: Nguyễn Tuấn Quang Giấy phép thiết lập MXH số 07/GP-BTTTT do Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông cấp ngày 05/01/2024
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