Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
6. My brother often (stay) stays at home on Sundays.
7. I (study) studied in the library with John yesterday afternoon.
8. When my friends came to my house yesterday, I (study) was studying.
9. You must (take) take a boat ride around the island.
10. Huy (always/ forget) always forgets to do his homework and the teacher often gets annoyed with him.
Here are the answers:
11. dangerous
12. beautifully
13. leader
14. activities
15. acknowledge
Here are the answers to the given sentences:
16. A (a) - She's studying a biology at university. (However, the answer can vary based on context, but 'a' is more suitable.)
17. B (on) - There is a beautiful picture on the wall.
18. C (any) - I don't think there's any milk left in the fridge.
19. B (easier) - This test is easier than the one we had last week.
20. A (unless) - He'll never pass his driving test unless he takes more lessons.
21. A (that) - The hotel that we stayed at during our vacation was luxurious.
22. B (Yes, of course) - Bob: "Yes, of course."
23. A (give up) - He needs to give up his bad habits if he wants to improve his health and fitness level.
24. A (travel) - What will you do if you have an opportunity to travel on a spaceship?
25. D (causes) - Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents.
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Điện thoại: 1900636019
Địa chỉ: Số 21 Ngõ Giếng, Phố Đông Các, Phường Ô Chợ Dừa, Quận Đống Đa, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.