1. Complete the sentences using the words In the box.
blended teamwork connection online traditional
1. I don't like learning because it's hard to make friends with my classmates.
2. schools may not pr...
Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here are the completed sentences:
1. I don't like learning online because it's hard to make friends with my classmates.
2. Traditional schools may not prepare us for the jobs of the future.
3. I'm taking an online course so I need a fast Internet connection.
4. With blended learning, students are still able to attend face-to-face classes.
5. Projects help us improve our teamwork skills.
Note: "blended" and "teamwork" are correct, and I added "online" in sentence 1 to complete it based on the context.
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