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Trả lời câu hỏi của Quách Hoàng Lâm

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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
It seems like you provided a set of questions in Vietnamese. I'll answer them in English, and if you need any translations or explanations, I'll be happy to help. Câu 3: The images that evoke the hardships and exhaustion of "mother" in the first stanza are: - "Mẹ như dòng nước trong khe" (Mother is like a stream in the ravine) - suggests the endless flow of work and dedication. - "Mẹ như cây đa, như cây đề" (Mother is like a banyan tree, like a fig tree) - implies the strength and resilience of a mother. - "Mẹ như đá, như nước, như607sky, như mây" (Mother is like stone, like water, like sky, like clouds) - emphasizes the stability and reliability of a mother. Câu 4: The personification of "mẹ" (mother) in the poem creates a sense of reverence and admiration for the subject. It highlights the selflessness, dedication, and strength of a mother, making her a symbol of hope and inspiration. Câu 5: The emotions expressed by the poet towards "mẹ" in the excerpt include: - Gratitude: The poet acknowledges the sacrifices and hard work of their mother. - Admiration: The poet looks up to their mother as a symbol of strength and resilience. - Love: The poet's affection and appreciation for their mother are evident throughout the poem. Câu 6: The author's reflection "Và tôi như hạt thóc vàng bé nhỏ / Mẹ đã gieo hi vọng ở trên đồng" (And I'm like a small grain of golden rice / Mother has sown hope in the field) suggests that the poet's hopes and dreams are rooted in their mother's love and support. It emphasizes the importance of a mother's influence in shaping a child's life and aspirations.
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