Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here are the answers to the multiple-choice questions:
1. B. replace
2. D. easy
3. A. big (Although it is more accurate to say "still increasing in number" or "getting bigger" as stated in the passage)
Alternative answer is not provided, but this answer was considered because of the "still increasing" phrase in the passage.
4. C. possible
5. C. if technology will replace humans
Here are the answers to the True or False exercise:
1. F (The strike occurred in New York, not in a Spanish-American colony, and it was in 1899, which is close to the 1800s but not exactly in that century.)
2. T (Although the text does not explicitly state that most newsies lived in poverty, it does mention that "most newsies lived on the streets" and that others used their earnings to help their struggling families, implying a state of poverty.)
3. F (The strike was due to the cost rise on the newsies, not the readers. The newsies had to pay ten cents more for the papers during the war, and they expected the price to drop after the war.)
4. F (The strike was considered a success because the two offending newspaper companies agreed to buy back all unsold papers, not because the cost went down for the newsies.)
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