Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here are the corrected answers:
33. None of the above options need correction. The sentence is grammatically correct.
34. C
(Corrected sentence: "After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book" should be "After George returned to his house, he was reading a book" or "After George had returned to his house, he read a book.")
35. A
(Corrected sentence: "Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice" should be "Buying clothes is often a very time-consuming practice" or "Buying clothes can be a very time-consuming practice")
36. C. The book I read last week isn't as interesting as this one.
37. D. Patrick told me that he goes swimming every summer.
38. C. If she didn't work all day, she would have time to play with her children
39. B. The players cancelled their match because the weather was bad.
40. A. If John had not been lazy, he would not have failed the driving test.
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Địa chỉ: Số 21 Ngõ Giếng, Phố Đông Các, Phường Ô Chợ Dừa, Quận Đống Đa, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.