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To answer the question, we need to identify which word in each set has a unique pronunciation that differs from the others.
Question 9:
Looking at the IPA notations, the words 'delighted', 'provided', and 'polluted' all end with the 'ɪd' sound. In contrast, 'reduced' ends with a 'dust' sound. Therefore, the answer is D. reduced.
Question 10:
The words 'peaceful', 'instead', and 'cheap' all have a distinct stress pattern or vowel sound, but the most obvious difference is between 'clean' (with a 'klin' sound) and the others. 'Peaceful', 'instead', and 'cheap' do not have the 'k' sound at the beginning like 'clean'. However, when looking at the sound that most differentiates from the rest in a way that makes sense for the other options as well, we should notice that 'instead' has the 'ɛ' sound, 'cheap' has the 'i' and 'e' sounds, and 'peaceful' has the 'i' sound. 'Clean' does not have a diphthong or a similar vowel sound to 'instead'. Considering the two questions together, the options of both of them are probably looking for something in common between their answers. Looking at the options, and taking into account the previous conclusion for the first question, the only option with the ʊ (u) sound (like in "put") is the word 'put', but the word 'put' is not present here. However, a similar sound exists in the word 'clean' has the i (ɪ) sound that when compared to other options does have a different vowel sound than the rest, which in this case have an 'e' or 'ɛ' sound (other than the ʧ sound). Therefore, the answer is A. peaceful
I can help you analyze the pronunciation of each word and answer the questions.
A. academic stressed at third syllable
B. fantastic stressed at second syllable
C. electric stressed at second syllable
D. heroic stressed at second syllable
Analyze: The words 'fantastic', 'electric', and 'heroic' are stressed at the second syllable. In contrast, 'academic' is stressed at the third syllable.
Answer: A. academic
A. homestay (no data)
B. locate stressed at first syllable
C. support stressed at second syllable
D. delay stressed at second syllable
Analyze: Although there is no data for 'homestay', the words 'support' and 'delay' are stressed at the second syllable. In contrast, 'locate' is stressed at the first syllable.
Answer: B. locate
Here are the answers to the questions:
13. B. visitors
14. A. give up
15. C. Getting
16. A. reuses
17. C. library
18. A. to revise
19. A. take
20. C. played
21. B. who