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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
I'll go through each question and analyze the pronunciation of the given words to determine which one differs from the others. Question 1: - portable: ˈpɔrtəbəl - aluminium: əˈlumɪnəm - camcorder: ˈkæmkɔrdər - navigate: ˈnævəgeɪt The answer is B (aluminium). The other three words have the main stress on the first syllable, while aluminium has it on the second syllable. Question 2: - projector: prɑˈʤɛktər - collaborate: kəˈlæbəreɪt - block: blɑk - connect: kəˈnɛkt The answer is C (block). The other three words have a main stress on a syllable other than the first, while block has no main stress on a non-first syllable. Question 3: - monitor: ˈmɑnətər - collaborate: kəˈlæbəreɪt - technology: tɛkˈnɑləʤi - connect: kəˈnɛkt The answer is A (monitor). The other three words have a main stress on a syllable other than the first, while monitor has it on the first syllable. Question 4: - flow: floʊ - low: loʊ - cow: kaʊ - snow: snoʊ The answer is A (flow). The other three words have the "oʊ" sound, while flow has the "oʊ" sound but a different starting sound. Question 5: - played: pleɪd - planned: plænd - cooked: kʊkt - lived: lɪvd The answer is A (played). The other three words have a short vowel sound, while played has a long vowel sound. Question 6: - dressed: drɛst - dropped: drɑpt - matched: mæʧt - joined: ʤɔɪnd The answer is D (joined). The other three words end with a short vowel sound and a consonant sound, while joined ends with a long vowel sound and a consonant sound. Question 7: - passed: pæst - opened: ˈoʊpənd - washed: wɑʃt - worked: wərkt The answer is B (opened). The other three words have a short vowel sound, while opened has a long vowel sound. Question 8: - touch: təʧ - round: raʊnd - ground: graʊnd - shout: ʃaʊt The answer is A (touch). The other three words have the "aʊ" sound, while touch has a different vowel sound. Question 9: - heat: hit - doubt: daʊt - sound: saʊnd - count: kaʊnt The answer is A (heat). The other three words have the "aʊ" sound, while heat has a short vowel sound. Question 10: - group: grup - teach: tiʧ - speak: spik - learn: lərn The answer is D (learn). The other three words have a short vowel sound, while learn has a schwa sound. Question 11: - leave: liv This question seems incomplete as there's only one word provided. Question 12: - clouds: klaʊdz - costs: kɔsts - pains: peɪnz - farms: fɑrmz The answer is C (pains). The other three words have a short vowel sound, while pains has a long vowel sound. Question 13: - brings: brɪŋz - trains: treɪnz - talks: tɔks - clears: klɪrz The answer is B (trains). The other three words have a short vowel sound, while trains has a long vowel sound. Question 14: - mails: meɪlz - wraps: ræps - paints: peɪnts - packs: pæks The answer is C (paints), B (wraps) or D (packs) is also possible as they have a short vowel sound while the rest of the words have a long vowel sound. Question 15: - warms: wɔrm - reads: ridz - starts: stɑrts - rings: rɪŋz The answer is A (warms). The other three words have a short vowel sound followed by a consonant sound and then another vowel sound, while warms has a short vowel sound followed by a consonant sound but no other vowel sound. Note that the answers provided are based on the IPA notation and pronunciation rules of the English language, but it's always a good idea to double-check with a language expert or a reliable source for any language-related queries. Here are the answers with analysis: Question 1: A. vacuum B. design C. plastic D. cleaner Analyze: 'vacuum' stressed at first syllable, 'design' stressed at second syllable, 'plastic' stressed at first syllable, 'cleaner' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'design' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: B. design Question 2: A. reduce B. plastic C. rubber D. cardboard Analyze: 'reduce' stressed at second syllable, 'plastic' stressed at first syllable, 'rubber' stressed at first syllable, 'cardboard' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'reduce' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: A. reduce Question 3: A. scanner B. tablet C. social D. supply Analyze: 'scanner' stressed at first syllable, 'tablet' stressed at first syllable, 'social' stressed at first syllable, 'supply' stressed at second syllable. Therefore, 'supply' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: D. supply Question 4: A. connect B. software C. laptop D. smartphone Analyze: 'connect' stressed at second syllable, 'software' stressed at first syllable, 'laptop' stressed at first syllable, 'smartphone' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'connect' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: A. connect Question 5: A. conductor B. diagram C. video D. motivate Analyze: 'conductor' stressed at second syllable, 'diagram' stressed at first syllable, 'video' stressed at first syllable, 'motivate' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'conductor' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: A. conductor Question 6: A. feedback B. circuit C. advice D. lightweight Analyze: 'feedback' stressed at first syllable, 'circuit' stressed at first syllable, 'advice' stressed at second syllable, 'lightweight' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'advice' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: C. advice Question 7: A. prevent B. shortcut C. improve D. repair Analyze: 'prevent' stressed at second syllable, 'shortcut' stressed at first syllable, 'improve' stressed at second syllable, 'repair' stressed at second syllable. Therefore, 'shortcut' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: B. shortcut Question 8: A. recorder B. camcorder C. digital D. privacy Analyze: 'recorder' stressed at second syllable, 'camcorder' stressed at first syllable, 'digital' stressed at first syllable, 'privacy' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'recorder' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: A. recorder Question 9: A. suggest B. perfect C. engage D. control Analyze: 'suggest' stressed at second syllable, 'perfect' stressed at second syllable, 'engage' stressed at second syllable, 'control' stressed at second syllable. This question has the same stress position for all four options. There is no answer for this question. Question 10: A. picture B. hardware C. display D. keyboard Analyze: 'picture' stressed at first syllable, 'hardware' stressed at first syllable, 'display' stressed at second syllable, 'keyboard' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'display' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: C. display Question 11: A. content B. robotic C. website D. feature Analyze: 'content' stressed at first syllable, 'robotic' stressed at second syllable, 'website' stressed at first syllable, 'feature' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'robotic' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: B. robotic Question 12: A. photograph B. portable C. driverless D. difficulty Analyze: 'photograph' stressed at first syllable, 'portable' stressed at first syllable, 'driverless' stressed at first syllable, 'difficulty' stressed at first syllable. This question has the same stress position for all four options. There is no answer for this question. Question 13: A. equality B. machine C. common D. simplicity Analyze: 'equality' stressed at second syllable, 'machine' stressed at second syllable, 'common' stressed at first syllable, 'simplicity' stressed at second syllable. Therefore, 'common' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: C. common Question 14: A. tenant B. rubbish C. bacteria D. habitat Analyze: 'tenant' stressed at first syllable, 'rubbish' stressed at first syllable, 'bacteria' stressed at second syllable, 'habitat' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'bacteria' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: C. bacteria Question 15: A. animal B. wireless C. online D. touchscreen Analyze: 'animal' stressed at first syllable, 'wireless' stressed at first syllable, 'online' stressed at first syllable. This question has the same stress position for all three options. There is no answer for this question. Question 16: A. printer B. stylish C. virtual D. iron Analyze: 'printer' stressed at first syllable, 'stylish' stressed at first syllable, 'virtual' stressed at first syllable, 'iron' stressed at first syllable. This question has the same stress position for all four options. There is no answer for this question. Question 17: A. writer B. teacher C. builder D. career Analyze: 'writer' stressed at first syllable, 'teacher' stressed at first syllable, 'builder' stressed at first syllable, 'career' stressed at second syllable. Therefore, 'career' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: D. career Question 18: A. device B. cover C. copper D. smartwatch Analyze: 'device' stressed at second syllable, 'cover' stressed at first syllable, 'copper' stressed at first syllable. Therefore, 'device' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: A. device Question 19: A. company B. atmosphere C. customer D. employment Analyze: 'company' stressed at first syllable, 'atmosphere' stressed at first syllable, 'customer' stressed at first syllable, 'employment' stressed at second syllable. Therefore, 'employment' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: D. employment Question 20: A. portable B. virtual C. iron D. submit Analyze: 'portable' stressed at first syllable, 'virtual' stressed at first syllable, 'iron' stressed at first syllable, 'submit' stressed at second syllable. Therefore, 'submit' has a different stress position to other words. Answer: D. submit 1. C. portable 2. D. heart rate
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