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Trả lời câu hỏi của Phương Anh Nguyễn

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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
1. Twitter or Facebook is like a small society where people can voice their opinion. (Note: 'Social' is incorrect; 'society' is the correct word here. However, a more suitable option would be 'community', 'network', or 'platform') 2. Don't pay any attention to what they say. (Note: 'Attend' is incorrect; 'attention' is the correct word here) 3. Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills. (Note: 'Effect' is incorrect; 'effectively' is the correct word here, although the original sentence is almost correct, it should use 'effective' instead of 'effect') 4. All that information can be conveyed in a simple diagram. (Note: 'Inform' is incorrect; 'information' is the correct word here) 5. Chatting with others online can be fun, as long as your teen knows how to stay safe. (Note: 'Chat' is incorrect; 'chatting' is the correct word here) 6. Scientists are working on highly advanced technology to communicate with animals. (Note: 'Advance' is incorrect; 'advanced' is the correct word here) 7. The speaker asked questions to maintain the interaction between him and his audience. (Note: 'Interact' is incorrect; 'interaction' is the correct word here, although the original sentence could use 'connection' or 'link' instead) 8. Some animals, such as whales, have developed communicative ability. (Note: 'Communicate' is incorrect; 'communicative' is the correct word here, although the original sentence could use 'communication' instead) 9. Smiling and frowning are examples of facial expressions. (Note: 'Express' is incorrect; 'expressions' is the correct word here) 10. Video conferencing enables people in various places to have a meeting. (Note: 'Able' is incorrect; 'enables' is the correct word here) Here are the rewritten sentences: 1. Can one tablet of yours connect to 5G? 2. Beck found it hard to understand her daughter's text messages. 3. Video conferencing technology lets people in remote places hold face-to-face meetings. 4. I still remember the first time I created an email account. 5. It's impossible to make a video call without the network. 6. Texting isn't as good as face-to-face communication. 7. Would you mind confirming the date and time of the meeting? 8. My Internet connection was so bad that I had to resit my English online test. 9. Albert suggested giving Jean a video call. 10. Making video calls with friends is one of my leisure activities.
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