I'll go through the options one by one:
1. A. mud: məd, B. numerous: numrous, C. thunderstorm: ˈθəndərstɔrm, D. suddenly: ˈsədənli
Answer: B (the "u" in numerous is pronounced differently from the "u" in mud, thunderstorm, and suddenly)
2. A. tropical: ˈtrɑpɪkəl, B. victim: ˈvɪktɪm, C. violent: ˈvaɪələnt, D. No answer given
Answer: C (the "i" in violent is pronounced differently from the "i" in tropical and victim)
3. A. south: saʊθ, B. strengthen: ˈstrɛŋθən, C. breathe: brið, D. theology: θiˈɑləʤi
Answer: D (the "th" and the underlined part "e" and "i" in theology are pronounced differently from those in south, strengthen, and breathe)
4. A. rescue: ˈrɛskju, B. effect: ˈifɛkt, C. marvelous: ˈmɑrvələs, D. tremble: ˈtrɛmbəl
Answer: B (the "e" in effect is pronounced differently from the "e" in rescue, marvelous, and tremble)
5. A. tornado: tɔrˈneɪdoʊ, B. property: ˈprɑpərti, C. volcanic: vɑlˈkænɪk, D. crop: krɑp
Answer: A (the underlined part "tor" in tornado is pronounced differently from those in property, volcanic, and crop)
6. A. start: stɑrt, B. stop: stɑp, C. listen: ˈlɪsən, D. stay: steɪ
Answer: D (the "a" in stay is pronounced differently from the "a" in start, stop, and listen)
7. A. raspberry: ˈræzbɛri, B. spare: spɛr, C. speak: spik, D. space: speɪs
Answer: D (the underlined part "spa" in space is pronounced differently from those in raspberry, spare, and speak)
8. A. found: faʊnd, B. sound: saʊnd, C. mountain: ˈmaʊntən, D. young: jəŋ
Answer: D (the "ou" in found and sound are pronounced similarly, and differently from "ou" in mountain and the "ou" is not present in young)
9. A. volcano: vɑlˈkeɪnoʊ, B. violent: ˈvaɪələnt, C. technology: tɛkˈnɑləʤi, D. property: ˈprɑpərti
Answer: D (the underlined part is not present in property and the underlined part in property is pronounced differently from those in volcano, violent, and technology)
10. A. official: əˈfɪʃəl, B. cattle: ˈkætəl, C. icon: ˈaɪkɑn, D. Scottish: ˈskɑtɪʃ
Answer: A (the underlined part is not present in official, but the underlined part "off" in official is pronounced differently from those in cattle, icon, and Scottish)
11. A. honest: ˈɑnəst, B. outstand: outstand, C. listen: ˈlɪsən, D. student: ˈstudənt
Answer: B (no correct answer given since outstand is not pronounced, but if we consider the underlined part, it's B or it can be D since "u" in student is pronounced differently)
12. A. raspberry: ˈræzbɛri, B. respect: rɪˈspɛkt, C. spicy: ˈspaɪsi, D. especially: əˈspɛʃəli
Answer: A (the underlined part "r" and the following parts in raspberry is pronounced differently from those in respect, spicy, and especially)
13. A. around: əraʊnd, B. found: faʊnd, C. sound: saʊnd, D. young: jəŋ
Answer: D (the "ou" in around, found and sound are pronounced similarly, and differently from "ou" is not present in young)
14. A. cover: ˈkəvər, B. oven: ˈəvən, C. coffee: ˈkɔfi, D. company: ˈkəmpəni
Answer: C (the "o" in coffee is pronounced differently from the "o" in cover, oven, and company)
15. A. country: ˈkəntri, B. ocean: ˈoʊʃən, C. circle: ˈsərkəl, D. icon: ˈaɪkɑn
Answer: A (the underlined part "oun" in country is pronounced differently from those in ocean, circle, and icon)