Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
To answer this question, we'll go through each option and identify the word with the underlined part pronounced differently.
1. A. story B. worry C. fly D. study
- story: ˈstɔri (o is pronounced as "ɔ")
- worry: ˈwəri (o is pronounced as "ə")
- fly: Not given, but "y" in fly is pronounced differently than in the other options (this is a clue, however we do not know the exact pronounciation of fly)
- study: ˈstədi (u is pronounced as "ə")
The underlined parts in all options are "o", "o", "y" and "u". Here "y" is a clear winner if we consider the given options, however considering the options story, worry and study the underlined part "o" is pronouned differently in story and worry.
2. A. ride B. like C. nice D. fish
- ride: raɪd (i is pronounced as "aɪ")
- like: laɪk (i is pronounced as "aɪ")
- nice: Not given
- fish: Not given
Here we only have the pronounciation for ride and like. And here "i" is pronounced the same way for both the words. We cannot consider this option for our answer.
3. A. fever B. very C. bed D. well
- fever: ˈfivər (e is pronounced as "i")
- very: ˈvɛri (e is pronounced as "ɛ")
- bed: bɛd (e is pronounced as "ɛ")
- well: Not given
The underlined part "e" is pronounced differently in fever and very (and also bed).
4. A. school B. chocolate C. child D. children
- school: skul (oo is pronounced as "u")
- chocolate: ˈʧɔklət (oo is pronounced as "ɔ")
- child: Not given
- children: ˈʧɪldrən (i is pronounced as "ɪ")
Here the underlined parts are "oo", "oo", however the pronounciation is different for school and chocolate.
5. A. cats B. draws C. books D. cooks
- Not enough data for the analysis of this option.
Hence the answer to this question would be: 1.B 2.No Answer 3.A 4.A 5. No Answer
Here are the matches:
1. Who did you go with? - c. I went with my family.
2. What's the matter with Nam? - a. He has a headache.
3. What's your address? - e. It's 25 Tran Hung Dao Street.
4. What would you like to be in the future? - b. I'd like to be a pilot.
5. What do you do in your free time? - d. I listen to music.
1. D. went
2. B. reading
3. C. fever
4. B. Because
5. B. sharp
1. v
2. x
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Địa chỉ: Số 21 Ngõ Giếng, Phố Đông Các, Phường Ô Chợ Dừa, Quận Đống Đa, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.