Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
1. Tom The Factory Chimneys that pollute the air.
6. Mastering a second language takes a lot of time and practice. -> It requires a lot of time and practice.
7. You will succeed only by hard work. -> It requires hard work to succeed.
8. The countryside is most beautiful in autumn. -> It's autumn when the countryside is at its best.
9. What I saw at the dance party surprised me. -> It was what I saw at the dance party that surprised me.
10. Did you start the fight, or was it someone else? -> Was it you who started the fight, or was it someone else?
Here are the rewritten sentences using cleft sentences focusing on the subjects of the passive sentences:
1. The estate agent sold Mr. and Mrs. Hanson the house.
-> It was Mr. and Mrs. Hanson who were sold the house by the estate agent.
2. We gave Ann a birthday present yesterday.
-> It was Ann who was given a birthday present by us yesterday.
3. The manager has sent each employee a message.
-> It is each employee who has been sent a message by the manager.
4. Did the boy throw his friend the ball?
-> Was it his friend who was thrown the ball by the boy?
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Điện thoại: 1900636019
Địa chỉ: Số 21 Ngõ Giếng, Phố Đông Các, Phường Ô Chợ Dừa, Quận Đống Đa, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.