Task 2 (VOCABULARY) - Work in pairs. Listen to the words below. Put them into two groups: those that are more likely to be a) parts of a house and b) in a garden - SHS Friends Global 11 page 48

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Parts of a house and garden
driveextensionfenceflower bedgarage
shutterssliding doorsstairsswimming pool 


a) parts of a house and 

b) in a garden.


2. Phương pháp giải

Parts of a house and garden

(Các thành phần của một ngôi nhà và khu vườn)

- attic: gác xép

- balcony: ban công

- basement: tầng hầm

- cellar: hầm

- conservatory: phòng quan sát

- drive: lái xe

- extension: sự mở rộng

- fence: hàng rào

- flower bed: vườn hoa

- garage: bãi xe ô tô

- gate: cổng

- hall: sảnh

- hedge: hàng rào

- landing: đầu cầu thang

- lawn: bãi cỏ

- path: con đường

- patio: hiên nhà

- pond: ao

- porch: mái hiên

- shutters: cửa chớp

- sliding doors: cửa kéo

- stairs: cầu thang

- swimming pool: hồ bơi


3. Lời giải chi tiết

a) Parts of a house: attic, balcony, basement, cellar, conservatory, drive, extension, garage, hall, landing, porch, shutters, sliding doors, stairs.

b) In a garden: fence, flower bed, gate, hedge, lawn, path, patio, pond, swimming pool.

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Task 3 - Which is the odd-one-out? Explain why. Sometimes more than one answer is possible - SHS Friends Global 11 page 48 Task 3 - Which is the odd-one-out? Explain why. Sometimes more than one answer is possible - SHS Friends Global 11 page 48
Task 4 - Listen to an estate agent showing someone round a house. Which seven parts of the house are mentioned in the dialogue? - SHS Friends Global 11 page 48 Task 4 - Listen to an estate agent showing someone round a house. Which seven parts of the house are mentioned in the dialogue? - SHS Friends Global 11 page 48
Task 5 (VOCABULARY) - Match nine of the words below with meanings 1-8. Check the meaning of all the words - SHS Friends Global 11 page 49 Task 5 (VOCABULARY) - Match nine of the words below with meanings 1-8. Check the meaning of all the words - SHS Friends Global 11 page 49
Task 7 - Listen to four people describing their homes. Match sentences a-e with speakers 1-4. There is one extra sentence - SHS Friends Global 11 page 49 Task 7 - Listen to four people describing their homes. Match sentences a-e with speakers 1-4. There is one extra sentence - SHS Friends Global 11 page 49
Task 8 (SPEAKING) - Work in pairs. Describe your home to your partner. Use the phrases below to help you - SHS Friends Global 11 page 49 Task 8 (SPEAKING) - Work in pairs. Describe your home to your partner. Use the phrases below to help you - SHS Friends Global 11 page 49
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