Task 3 - Explain your decision to the class. Say why you chose the holiday, and why you didn’t choose the others - SHS Explore New Worlds 11 page 139

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Explain your decision to the class. Say why you chose the holiday, and why you didn’t choose the others.

2. Phương pháp giải

- Giải thích quyết định của bạn cho cả lớp. Nói lý do tại sao bạn chọn kỳ nghỉ và tại sao bạn không chọn những kỳ nghỉ khác.

3. Lời giải chi tiết

- Đáp án: 

If I were to choose Halloween, I would explain that I chose it because it is a fun and festive holiday that allows people to express their creativity through costumes and decorations. It's also a great opportunity for families and communities to come together and participate in activities like trick-or-treating and pumpkin carving. While The Day of the Dead and O-Bon are also interesting holidays, they may not be as accessible for people who are not familiar with Mexican or Japanese culture, and they have a strong religious and cultural significance that may be difficult for outsiders to fully understand and appreciate.

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