Task C - Write your opinion about these sentences in your notebook. Use the expressions in the box - SHS Explore New Worlds 11 page 144

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

I agree          I'm not sure          I disagree

1. A new holiday isn’t a real holiday.

2. Some old holidays are not very important now.

3. Our country should start a new holiday.

4. People spend too much money on holidays.

5. It's very important to keep all of the old holiday customs.

2. Phương pháp giải

- Viết ý kiến ​​​​của bạn về những câu này trong sổ ghi chép của bạn. Sử dụng các biểu thức trong hộp.

3. Lời giải chi tiết

- Đáp án: 

1. I disagree.

A new holiday can be just as real and meaningful as an old holiday, as long as it is celebrated with sincerity and has cultural or historical significance.

2. I agree.

As times change and cultures evolve, some old holidays may lose their relevance or significance. It is natural for people to focus more on holidays that are meaningful to them in the present day.

3. I'm not sure.

Starting a new holiday should be done thoughtfully and with a clear purpose in mind. It should be based on the needs and values of the community, and not just added for the sake of having another holiday.

4. I agree to some extent.

While holidays can be a time for celebration and enjoyment, excessive spending can lead to financial stress and hardship. It's important to find a balance and not let commercialization overshadow the true meaning of the holiday.

5. I'm not sure.

While it's important to preserve and honor cultural traditions, some old holiday customs may no longer be relevant or appropriate in modern times. It's up to each individual and community to decide which customs to keep and which to let go of.

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