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Trả lời câu hỏi của Yến Nhi

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Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here are the answers to the given exercise: 1. That was the **expert** Mart solution to the problem we were facing. 2. Shen manages the team **more expertly** than his classmates. 3. His **muscle** mass is greater than it was last year. 4. Dandy is **more muscular** than his brother because he works out regularly. 5. How many **mysteries** are there for them to solve? 6. Good **nutrition** is essential for achieving a strong immune system. 7. They are preparing their meals **nutritionally** to support their training program. 8. She **mysteriously** disappeared from the party without saying a word. 9. This is the **mystery** case in that detective film. 10. How many **successes** can you count in your career? 11. Flappy Bird was one of the **most successful** products in the game industry. 12. They recognised her **talent** as a dancer when she won the competition. 13. How many **talents** do you think you have? 14. Sayu is writing a **biography** about a famous inventor. 15. The story **biographically** outlines the difficulties he overcame to achieve his goals. 16. He couldn't believe how **talented** his classmates were. 17. At the moment, we are doing **translations** from Spanish to English. 18. How did they manage to cover his achievements so well in his **biography**? 19. They are asking an **expert** to help them achieve their business goals. 20. The team is receiving **expert** training to improve their skills. 21. Karla is **expertly** guiding the company through its most challenging phase. 22. He is working on strengthening his **muscles** to achieve better fitness. 23. That bodybuilder is the **most muscular** person in the gym. 24. You shouldn't ignore the importance of stretching after a workout to avoid **muscle** strain. 25. She is the **most talented** artist in the gallery. 26. Her **wealth** increased significantly after she sold her company. 27. Mark is **wealthier** than most of his colleagues in the industry. 28. Elon Musk is currently the **wealthiest** person in the world. 29. They lived **wealthily**. They enjoyed luxurious vacations and fine dining experiences. 30. They perform **successfully** in every competition they enter. 31. Susan is tracking her **weight** to ensure she stays fit. 32. Success is a great **achievement** in life. 33. Mai **achieved** her goals through hard work and dedication. 34. Last September, she **achieved** her dream of becoming a doctor after many years of study. 35. That was one of his greatest **achievements** in the company.
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