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Vy Nguyễn

4 giờ trước

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3 giờ trước

Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
1. What is the danger described in the passage? A large asteroid colliding with Earth. 2. What would happen if a large asteroid landed in a large city? Millions of people would die instantly and the impact would cause massive destruction. 3. What would happen if a large asteroid landed in the ocean? A giant tsunami would occur, causing thousands of cities around the world to flood. 4. What would happen if a large asteroid landed in a remote area of land? There would be fewer deaths at first, but the explosion would send a huge cloud of dust into the Earth's atmosphere, blocking sunlight and heat, and making it impossible to grow crops. 5. What happened about 65 million years ago that caused most life on Earth to disappear? A huge asteroid at least 10 km in diameter landed in Mexico, changing the Earth's weather. 6. What happened on the morning of June 30, 1908, in central Siberia? A smaller asteroid (about 90 meters across) exploded in the sky, destroying a large area of forest and knocking a man off his chair 112 km away. 7. What are the two main options scientists propose to prevent an asteroid collision? Blowing up the asteroid with nuclear weapons or making it change direction. 8. What is the disadvantage of blowing up an asteroid? It could break into smaller pieces, each of which could be a danger. 9. Why is it difficult to test the technology to make an asteroid change direction? It is impossible to test the technology, and if it fails, there probably won't be another chance.
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