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5 giờ trước

Trợ lý học tập AI - Câu trả lời này chỉ mang tính tham khảo
Here are the answers: 1. I don't see a question, just a sentence with typos. However, it seems you are trying to say: "Why let her go to a picnic?" 2. They let him write a letter to his wife. 3. The custom officer made him open the briefcase. 4. The boy saw the cat jump through the window. 5. Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money? 6. As the animal moved towards me, I felt it. 7. Do you think her parents will let her go on a picnic? Here are the rewritten sentences using the given words: 1. Why did John refuse to help his friends? It was unfair. → The reason John refused to help his friends was because it was unreasonable and unfair. Alternative answer: The reason John refused to help his friends was that it was unfair. 2. Thank you for lending me a pen. It was very kind. → It was very kind of you to lend me a pen. 3. Why did the boys play near the river? It was very dangerous. → It was inadvisable for the boys to play near the river. Alternative answer: It was foolish of the boys to play near the river. 4. The explorers could not go through the forest. It was very difficult. → It was impassable for the explorers to go through the forest. Alternative answer: It was impossible for the explorers to go through the forest. 5. They offered us a delicious meal. It was very hospitable. → That was very hospitable of them to offer us a delicious meal. 6. The climber could not reach the top of the mountain. It was impossible. → It was out of the question for the climber to reach the top of the mountain. Alternative answer: It was impossible for the climber to reach the top of the mountain. 7. Why did he offend them? It was very rude. → It was inexcusable of him to offend them. Alternative answer: It was impolite of him to offend them. 8. Why did you read this book? It wasn't useful. → It was pointless of you to read this book. Alternative answer: It was a waste of time for you to read this book. 9. Why did he smoke cigarettes? It was very harmful. → It was irresponsible of him to smoke cigarettes. Alternative answer: It was foolish of him to smoke cigarettes. 10. Why did he collect old newspapers? It was useless. → It was senseless of him to collect old newspapers. Alternative answer: It was pointless of him to collect old newspapers. Here are the answers with the correct participle form: 1. He was sitting in an armchair reading a magazine. 2. Having worked for the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything. 3. The cup filled with milk stood on the table. 4. Not having seen each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about.
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