Task 1 (SPEAKING) - Discuss this question - SHS Friends Gloabl 11 page 86

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Why is a perfect forgery worth less than an original work of art?


2. Phương pháp giải

Thảo luận về câu hỏi này.

Tại sao một tác phẩm giả mạo hoàn hảo lại có giá trị thấp hơn một tác phẩm nghệ thuật nguyên gốc?


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Student A: Hey, have you ever wondered why a perfect forgery is worth less than an original work of art?

Student B: Yeah, I've thought about that too. I think it's because an original work of art is unique and created by the actual artist, while a forgery is a copy made by someone else.

Student A: That's right! The original artist puts their time, skill, and creativity into creating the artwork. Their personal touch and vision make it special and one-of-a-kind.

Student B: Absolutely! When people buy original art, they know they're getting something that no one else has. It's like owning a piece of the artist's soul and their creative expression.

Student A: Plus, there's the historical and cultural value that comes with an original artwork. It represents a specific time, place, and artistic movement, which adds to its significance.

Student B: Definitely! Original artworks often become part of art history and can even be displayed in museums. They hold a certain prestige and are recognized by art experts and enthusiasts.

Student A: On the other hand, a forgery is just a copy trying to imitate the original. It lacks the authenticity and the genuine connection to the artist and their intentions.

Student B: Exactly! A forgery may look exactly like the original, but it doesn't have the same value because it's not the real thing. It's like buying a knock-off version of something instead of the real deal.

Student A: And since forgeries are often made to deceive people, they can damage the trust and integrity of the art market. It's important to support and value original artists and their work.

Student B: Absolutely! So, it's clear why a perfect forgery is worth less than an original work of art. The uniqueness, personal touch, historical value, and authenticity of the original make it more valuable and special

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