Task 4 - Work in pairs. Choose a type of shopping from the list. Discuss and take notes of its advantages and disadvantages - SHS Global Success 8 page 89

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

1. Shopping online

2. Shopping at a supermarket

3. Shopping at an open-air market


2. Phương pháp giải

Làm việc theo cặp. Chọn một hình thức mua sắm từ danh sách. Thảo luận và ghi chú những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của nó.


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Advantages of Shopping Online

Disadvantages of Shopping Online


Better prices

More variety

Easy to send gifts

More control

Easy price comparisons

No crowds

No sales pressure

Access to used or damaged inventory

Privacy for discreet purchases

Negative environmental impact of packaging and gas

Shipping problems and delays

Risk of fraud

Less contact with your community

Spending too much time online

Returns can be complicated

You don't know exactly what you're getting

Unfriendly, scammy, or complicated websites

No sales assistance

No support for local retailers


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