Task a - In pairs: Discuss some common activities and food at festivals in Vietnam - SHS i-Learn Smart World 8 page 23

1. Nội dung câu hỏi


Some popular activities during Tet festival are going to New Year's greetings and children receiving lucky money from adults. Common dishes on Tet holiday are banh chung and candied fruit.


2. Phương pháp giải

Tìm kiếm thông tin và đưa ra phản hồi phù hợp


3. Lời giiar chi tiết

Student A: Hey, have you ever thought about the activities and food we often see at festivals in Vietnam?

Student B: Yeah, I've noticed that festivals in Vietnam are filled with fun activities and delicious food. One common activity is dragon dancing. People dress up as dragons and dance to lively music. It's so exciting to watch!

Student A: Oh, I love dragon dancing! Another popular activity is lantern making. People create beautiful lanterns with colorful paper and light them up at night. It's magical to see the lanterns glowing everywhere.

Student B: Absolutely! Lantern making is so much fun. When it comes to food, one common dish is bánh chưng. It's a special sticky rice cake filled with mung beans and pork. People make it during Tết and other festivals. It's delicious!

Student A: Bánh chưng is my favorite! Another tasty treat is bánh xèo. It's a crispy pancake filled with shrimp, bean sprouts, and herbs. It's often enjoyed during festivals, and the combination of flavors is amazing.

Student B: Oh, I love bánh xèo too! Another popular food is nem nướng. It's grilled pork sausage served with fresh herbs, rice paper, and a tasty dipping sauce. It's a great snack to enjoy at festivals.

Student A: Nem nướng is mouthwatering! I can't forget about chè, a sweet dessert soup with different ingredients like beans, jelly, and fruits. It's refreshing and perfect for hot festival days.

Student B: Chè is so good! Festivals in Vietnam are not only about the activities but also the delicious food that brings people together. It's a wonderful way to celebrate and enjoy our traditions.

Student A: I couldn't agree more. Activities like dragon dancing and lantern making, along with the tasty food like bánh chưng and nem nướng, make festivals in Vietnam truly special and memorable.

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Location Địa chỉ: Số 21 Ngõ Giếng, Phố Đông Các, Phường Ô Chợ Dừa, Quận Đống Đa, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
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