Task b - In your group, choose the two best and worst things about life in the city and life in the country, and present to the class - SHS i-Learn Smart World 8 page 17

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Trong nhóm của bạn, chọn hai điều tốt nhất và tồi tệ nhất về cuộc sống ở thành phố và cuộc sống ở nông thôn, và trình bày trước lớp.


2. Phương pháp giải

Tìm hiểu thông tin và đưa ra phản hồi phù hợp


3. Lời giải chi tiết

* Outline:

- Best things about life in the city:

- Opportunities and facilities: Cities offer a wide range of opportunities for employment, education, healthcare, and cultural experiences. There are numerous facilities such as shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, and sports venues that cater to diverse interests.

- Vibrant social life: Cities are bustling with people, which provides opportunities for socializing, networking, and forming connections. There are various events, festivals, and entertainment options that make city life exciting and dynamic.

- Worst things about life in the city:

- Crowdedness and congestion: Cities often face issues of overcrowding, leading to traffic congestion, longer commutes, and crowded public spaces. The constant rush and high population density can be overwhelming and stressful.

- Pollution and noise: The concentration of vehicles, industries, and population in cities can result in higher levels of pollution, both air and noise. The constant background noise and polluted air can have negative impacts on health and overall well-being.

- Best things about life in the country:

- Tranquility and natural beauty: Countryside living offers peace and quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. The abundance of nature, with open landscapes, greenery, and fresh air, provides a serene and rejuvenating environment.

- Close-knit communities and slower pace: In rural areas, there is often a strong sense of community, where neighbors know and support each other. The slower pace of life allows for a deeper connection with nature, self-reflection, and a simpler lifestyle.

- Worst things about life in the country:

Limited amenities and services: Rural areas may have limited access to amenities such as healthcare facilities, shopping centers, or entertainment venues. The distance to essential services can be significant and may require longer travel times.

Lack of job opportunities: Compared to cities, rural areas often have fewer employment options, especially in specialized industries. This can lead to limited career prospects and potential challenges in finding suitable work.

* Presentation:

Life in the city offers abundant opportunities and facilities, including employment, education, and cultural experiences. The vibrant social life and diverse entertainment options make it an exciting and dynamic place to live. However, the drawbacks include crowdedness, traffic congestion, and higher

levels of pollution and noise, which can be overwhelming. On the other hand, life in the countryside provides tranquility, natural beauty, and a slower pace of living. Close-knit communities and a deeper connection with nature are key highlights. However, limited amenities and services, along with fewer

job opportunities, can pose challenges. Ultimately, the choice between city and country living depends on individual preferences and priorities.

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