Task A - Read the article. Circle T for True or F for False - SBT Explore English 8 page 27

1. Nội dung câu hỏi




1. Red-eyed tree frogs can jump really high.  
2. Red-eyed tree frogs live in Canada.  
3. Red-eyed tree frogs are awake at night.  
4. Red-eyed tree frogs can scare predators with their bright eyes.  


Red-eyed tree frogs, also commonly known as red-eyed leaf frogs, can jump really high. They are a bright shade of green with blue and yellow striped sides, and have bright red eyes and orange toes. Red-eyed tree frogs are usually found in ponds and rivers, especially in the rain forests of southern Mexico, throughout Central America, and in the northern parts of South America.

These frogs sleep during the day. They sleep under the leaves of a tree with their eyes closed. The leaves cover their bodies, so it is not easy for other animals to see them. If they wake up because of a noise, they show their big red eyes and orange toes. This can scare a bird or snake so the frogs have enough time to jump away quickly.


2. Phương pháp giải

Đọc bài viết. Khoanh tròn T cho Đúng hoặc F cho Sai.


3. Lời giải chi tiết

1. T (True) - Red-eyed tree frogs can jump really high.

This statement is true. The article mentions that red-eyed tree frogs can jump really high, indicating their ability to leap significant distances. This is a characteristic feature of these frogs, which helps them move quickly and escape from predators.

2. F (False) - Red-eyed tree frogs live in Canada.

This statement is false. The article states that red-eyed tree frogs are usually found in ponds and rivers, particularly in the rain forests of southern Mexico, throughout Central America, and in the northern parts of South America. There is no mention of Canada as their habitat.

3. F (False) - Red-eyed tree frogs are awake at night.

This statement is false. The article mentions that red-eyed tree frogs sleep during the day. They sleep under the leaves of a tree with their eyes closed, which suggests that they are active during the night and sleep during the day.

4. T (True) - Red-eyed tree frogs can scare predators with their bright eyes.

This statement is true. The article explains that if red-eyed tree frogs wake up because of a noise, they show their big red eyes and orange toes. This behavior can scare away predators like birds or snakes, allowing the frogs to escape quickly.

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