Task C (CRITICAL THINKING) - Talk with a partner. Why do you think fads start and end so quickly? Can you think of any other fads? - SHS Explore English 8 page 98

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

TƯ DUY PHẢN BIỆN. Thảo luận với bạn cùng bàn. Bạn nghĩ tại sao mốt bắt đầu và kết thúc nhanh như vậy? Bạn có thể nghĩ ra bất kỳ mốt nào khác không?


2. Phương pháp giải

Thảo luận với bàn cùng bàn và đưa ra quan điểm và phản hồi phù hợp


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Student A: Hey, do you remember how we used to communicate back in the day?

Student B: Yeah, it's crazy how much things have changed! We used to rely on landline phones and even had to use payphones when we were outside.

Student A: Oh, I remember those days! We had to memorize each other's phone numbers since we didn't have contact lists on our phones.

Student B: Absolutely! And texting wasn't as popular back then. We mostly communicated through voice calls, leaving messages on answering machines, or even writing letters.

Student A: It's hard to imagine now because technology has transformed the way we communicate. Nowadays, we have smartphones that do so much more than just make calls. We can text, video call, and even use social media to keep in touch.

Student B: That's true! Texting has become the norm. It's so convenient to send quick messages and get instant replies. Plus, we can stay connected with friends and family through various messaging apps.

Student A: And let's not forget about social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. They've become essential for sharing updates, photos, and staying connected with a broader network of people.

Student B: Definitely! It's amazing how technology has made communication faster and more accessible. We can now reach out to anyone across the globe with just a few taps on our phones.

Student A: It's a whole new world compared to the past. While I miss some aspects of the old ways, I can't deny how much easier and more efficient communication has become with the advancements in technology.

Student B: I agree. It's a different experience now, but I appreciate the convenience and opportunities that modern communication methods offer. It's fascinating to see how far we've come!

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