Task C - Talk with a partner. Which animal in the article do you think is the most heroic? Do you know any other animals that saved their owners’lives - SHS Explore English 8 page 16

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Talk with a partner. Which animal in the article do you think is the most heroic? Do you know any other animals that saved their owners’lives

2. Phương pháp giải

- Nói chuyện với một đối tác. Con vật nào trong bài bạn nghĩ là anh hùng nhất? Bạn có biết bất kỳ động vật nào khác đã cứu sống chủ nhân của chúng không.

3. Lời giải chi tiết

- Đáp án: 

Animal in the article that you think is the most heroic: I think the Willie parrot and the Winnie cat are the heroic animals.

Other animals that saved their owners’lives:

Lions Save Girl From Kidnappers

It was June in Ethiopia, and a 12-year-old girl was walking home from school when she was attacked and kidnapped by four men. They likely intended to sell her into a forced marriage. A week later, with the police in pursuit, the kidnappers were attempting to move her to a new location when a pride of lions heard her plaintive cries and rushed in.

The three lions chased off the men and sat quietly with the girl until the police arrived, then disappeared back into the brush. “They stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest,” said Sergeant Wondmu Wedaj. She told the authorities that while her kidnappers had beaten her, the animals had never threatened her.

Sea Lion Saves Golden Gate Bridge Jumper

Mental-health advocate, author, and speaker Kevin Hines owes his life and career to a sea lion. When he was 19, Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. He survived but was severely injured and trying to stay afloat in the churning, frigid water.

That’s when he felt a bump beneath him. A sea lion circled under him, bumping him up to the surface of the water and toward the shore. Because of this animal, Hines survived and has dedicated his life to mental-health advocacy and suicide prevention.

Porpoises Rescue Beloved Actor

Beloved American actor Dick Van Dyke revealed to Craig Ferguson that a pod of porpoises saved his life after he fell asleep on his surfboard. As a young surfer enjoying the waves off the coast of Virginia, he had lain on his board relaxing and fallen asleep. When he woke up, there was no land in sight.

He started to paddle in the same direction as the swells, when he saw fins circling him. A pod of porpoises was swimming beside him, gently nudging his board toward the shore until he was close to land.

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