Task D - Complete each sentence using the past perfect form of the verb in parentheses - SHS Explore New Worlds 11 page 65

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

1. Before Nadia Drake earned her degree, she _______ (be) a ballet dancer.

2. Her father _______ (love) astronomy and Nadia also developed a love for it.

3. The teacher _______ (realize) the topic wass difficult, so she explained it carefully.

4. She _______ (plan) to have a different career, but she eventually became a software writer.

5. We weren't surprised when the road changed direction because we _______ (study) the map.

2. Phương pháp giải

- Hoàn thành mỗi câu sử dụng dạng quá khứ hoàn thành của động từ trong ngoặc.

3. Lời giải chi tiết

- Đáp án: 

1. Before Nadia Drake earned her degree, she had been a ballet dancer.

2. Her father had loved astronomy and Nadia also developed a love for it.

3. The teacher had realized the topic was difficult, so she explained it carefully.

4. She had planned to have a different career, but she eventually became a software writer.

5. We weren't surprised when the road changed direction because we had studied the map.

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