Task D - What do the following words refer to in the article? - SHS Explore New Worlds 11 page 34

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

1. How much walking do you usually do?

2. Where do you usually walk?

3. Do you feel safe when you are walking? Explain.


2. Phương pháp giải

Đọc hiểu câu hỏi và đưa ra phản hồi phù hợp


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Partner: Let's discuss these questions. How much walking do you usually do?

You: I try to incorporate walking into my daily routine. On average, I walk for about 30 minutes to an hour each day. It helps me stay active and energized.

Partner: That's great! I also make an effort to walk regularly. It's a simple and effective way to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

You: Absolutely. Now, let's talk about where we usually walk. Where do you usually walk?

Partner: I enjoy walking in my neighborhood. There are sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly paths that allow me to explore the local area. I also like walking in nearby parks or nature trails for a change of scenery.

You: That sounds lovely. Similarly, I tend to walk around my neighborhood as well. It's convenient and familiar. Sometimes, I also venture into the city center, where there are more shops, cafes, and interesting sights to explore.

Partner: It's nice to have different options for walking. Now, let's discuss the feeling of safety while walking. Do you feel safe when you are walking? Can you explain?

You: Generally, I feel safe while walking, especially in well-populated and well-lit areas. However, there are certain factors that can influence my sense of safety, such as the time of day or the specific location. I try to be aware of my surroundings and take precautions to ensure my safety.

Partner: I can relate to that. I feel safe most of the time, but there are isolated areas or late at night when I may feel a bit more cautious. Overall, I think our city has taken measures to ensure pedestrian safety, such as installing proper lighting and maintaining sidewalks.

You: Absolutely, having a safe walking environment is crucial. It allows us to enjoy the benefits of walking without unnecessary concerns.

Partner: Agreed. Walking is not only beneficial for our physical health but also a great way to connect with our surroundings.

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