Task - Work in pairs. You and a friend are planning a day trip cycling to the countryside. Discuss with your friend what you are going to do. Give reasons for your opinions. Agree on an activity - SHS Friends Global 11 page 35

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Work in pairs. You and a friend are planning a day trip cycling to the countryside. Discuss with your friend what you are going to do. Give reasons for your opinions. Agree on an activity.


2. Phương pháp giải

Làm việc theo cặp. Bạn và một người bạn đang lên kế hoạch cho một chuyến đi trong ngày đạp xe về vùng nông thôn. Thảo luận với bạn của bạn về những gì bạn sẽ làm. Đưa ra lý do cho ý kiến của bạn. Đồng ý về một hoạt động.


3. Lời giải chi tiết

You: Hey, let's plan our day trip cycling to the countryside. I quite fancy trying out different activities to make the most of our adventure. I have a few ideas in mind. First, I think visiting a local winery would be fun. We can cycle through scenic vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and even have a tasting session. It would be a unique and enjoyable experience.

Friend: That sounds interesting, but I like the idea of going horseback riding. I'm quite keen on exploring the countryside on horseback. It would be a different way to appreciate the beauty of nature, and we can cover more ground than just cycling. Plus, it would be a thrilling and memorable experience.

You: I see your point, and horseback riding does sound exciting. However, I think going on a hiking trail would be a better option than horseback riding. We can immerse ourselves in the natural surroundings, enjoy the tranquility of the countryside, and challenge ourselves physically. Hiking allows us to connect with nature at our own pace and appreciate the scenic views along the way.

Friend: I understand your preference for hiking, but I don't really fancy it. I'd rather have a more adrenaline-pumping activity. How about going zip-lining? It would be an exhilarating experience, gliding through the treetops and enjoying a bird's-eye view of the countryside. I think it would be a lot of fun and give us a unique perspective of our surroundings.

You: Zip-lining does sound exciting, but I don't think it would be as interesting as exploring a local historical site. I like the idea of visiting an old castle or ruins. We can cycle to the site, learn about its history, and explore the fascinating architecture. It would be a blend of adventure, culture, and exploration.

Friend: That's a good point. I can see the appeal of visiting a historical site. We need to make a decision. Overall, I think exploring a local historical site would be better as it combines adventure with learning about the area's history. Can we agree on that?

You: Absolutely! I agree, exploring a local historical site during our cycling trip would be a fantastic choice. It satisfies our curiosity about the past and adds an educational aspect to our adventure. That's settled then. Let's plan our route and get ready for an enjoyable and enlightening day exploring history on two wheels.

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