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Lựa chọn câu hỏi để xem giải nhanh hơn
Đề 1
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Đề 5

Đề 1

I. Listen and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. Pollution has not caused a lot of deaths worldwide yet.

2. Heart disease, lung cancer and stroke are caused by pollution.

3. India and China had the lowest number of pollution-related deaths.

4. Pollution threatens fundamental human rights, such as the right to life, health, wellbeing, and safe work.

5. There have been 800,000 worldwide deaths caused by pollution in the workplace.

II. Find the word that has different stress pattern in each line.


A. domestic                         

B. possible                   

C. physical                  

D. musical


A. refugee               

B. trainee                     

C. Japanese                 

D. engineer


A. physiography                 

B. alternatively            

C. criminology            

D. unsuccessfully


A. repetitive                        

B. electrical                 

C. priority                   

D. energetic


A. unhelpful                      

B. unusual                   

C. imprecise                

D. imperfect

III. Find the words with the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others.


A. prepares                      

B. erupts                      

C. stops                       

D. photographs


A. typhoon                        

B. goose                      

C. food                       

D. flood


A. looked              

B. suggested               

C. minded                   

D. decided

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

14. A forest fire ________ quickly and ________ many trees.

A. raged/ killed                       

B. burst/ harmed         

C. spread/ destroyed               

D. occurred/ cooked

15. The tornado caused a massive ________ to the town.

A. destruction                                     

B. extension                

C. danger                                

D. mishap

16. Hemp was grown throughout history ________ its versatility; it can be used to make many different things.

A. due to                                 

B. because                   

C. since                                   

D. as a result

17. Global warming ________ if there weren't too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

A. won’t happen                     

B. didn’t happen         

C. wouldn’t happen                

D. happened

18. Passengers __________ to smoke in the train.

A. are not allowed                  

B. had not allowed     

C. has not allowed                  

D. will not allow 

19. A powerful __________ off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high and killed at least 113 people.

A. earthquake                          

B. tornado                  

C. tsunami                               

D. landslide

20. I ___________ a cup of tea before I left for my office.

A. have                                    

B. have had                 

C. had had                              

D. will have

21. “I'll give you your money back tomorrow.”

A. She promised me to give the money back the next day.

B. She promised to give me back the money the next day.

C. She promised to give me back your money the next day.

D. She promised to give you back your money the next day.

V. Put the words in the correct form.

22. Dumping ________ waste into the lakes and rivers has caused serious water pollution. (INDUSTRY)

23. We'll take the early ________  from Sydney to Wellington. (FLY)

24. Here are several _________ proven studies that describe how to keep fit. (SCIENCE)

25. WWF is committed to saving _________ animals such as black rhino, leatherback turtle and saola. (DANGER)

VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the following passage.

NASA announced plans that are out of this world - literally! The space agency hopes to (26) _____ humans to the moon again by 2020. NASA hopes to make a giant leap - back to the moon. Back in 2005, the U.S. space agency announced its plan to send four astronauts to the moon (27) _____ the next 15 years.

NASA officials say the moon is just the first step. They hope future missions will take astronauts to Mars and beyond. “We will return to the moon no later than 2020 and extend the human presence across the (28) _____ system and beyond,” says Michael Griffin, the head of NASA. So far, the moon is the only place beyond Earth that humans have visited. At 226,000 miles away, the moon is Earth's (29) _______ space neighbour.

On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first astronauts to land on the moon. They traveled there aboard Apollo 11. When Armstrong first set foot on the moon, he spoke these famous words: “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” During NASA's Apollo program, 12 American astronauts explored the lunar terrain. The last U.S. trip to the moon (30) ______ in December 1972.


A. send                  

B. sending                   

C. sent                         

D. have sent


A. for                    

B. at                            

C. on                           

D. within


A. science              

B. planet                      

C. solar                       

D. life


A. closest             

B. closer                      

C. closely                    

D. as close as


A. finished                       

B. had finished           

C. finishes                   

D. will be finishing

VII. Read the following passage about tornadoes and choose the best answer.


Did you ever see the movie The Wizard of Oz? A tornado sweeps up Dorothy and Toto, sending them to a new world where there are witches and talking lions! That entire story is fiction, but tornadoes are real and they are serious business. In fact, they can be the most dangerous storms of all.

Tornadoes are sometimes referred to as twisters or cyclones. They are shaped like a cylinder. They are born in thunderclouds. The winds inside a tornado swirl around and around and can be more than 300 miles per hour (mph). The winds are so strong that tornadoes can lift animals, cars, and even houses.

The United States has more tornadoes than any other country in the world. States such as Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska are hit hard by tornadoes. This part of the country is known as “Tornado Alley.” Tornado season is during the springtime and summer. If the conditions are right, a tornado can happen any time of year.

31. Where do tornadoes begin?

A. in the ocean            

B. underground                       

C. in cyclones                         

D. in thunderclouds

32. Why does the author mention The Wizard of Oz at the beginning of the passage?

A. To give a famous example of a tornado.               

B. To give a history of tornadoes.

C. To show that hurricanes are not real.                    

D. To explain why tornadoes are dangerous.

33. Based on the passage, people who live in Tornado Alley should ___________.

A. expect tornadoes only during the summer.

B. be very familiar with the movie The Wizard of Oz.

C. be prepared for the dangers of tornadoes.

D. think about moving to the United States.

34. The word conditions in the last paragraph means ___________.

A. preparations            

B. dangerous hazards              

C. the way things are              

D. lucky feelings

35. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Some states get tornadoes more than other states.

B. Tornadoes are dangerous storms that affect the U.S.

C. Tornadoes are different from how they are in movies.

D. Many tornadoes do not cause a lot of damage.

VIII. Rewrite the sentences using the word given in brackets.

36. I can't understand him because he speaks so quickly.

=> If ________________________________________

37. You had better not lend him any more money, Amanda" said John.

=> John advised Amanda ________________________

38. Many natural disasters have been caused by global warming.

=> Global warming _____________________________

39. Talking to your family members every day is very important.

=> It is ___________________________________________

40. “Is your uncle working as a pilot for NASA?” Julia asked me.

=> Julia asked _____________________________________

------------------THE END------------------

Đề 2

I. Listen and do the following tasks.

Decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F)

1. The speaker enjoys using technology. _______

2. The speaker talks on the phone more than using social networking sites. _______

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

3. What does the speaker do on Saturday morning?

A. turn on the computer, turn of the mobile and the landline

B. work on the computer all day

C. turn off the computer and turn on the mobile and landline

D. switches off the computer, the mobile and the landline

4. Why does the speaker go to the pub?

A. to relax                              

B. to work                              

C. to drink                  

D. to meet friends

5. How does the weekend help the speaker?

A. It makes him tired.                                                            

B. It helps him finish his work faster.

C. It recharges his batteries.                                                  

D. It doesn’t help him do anything.

II. Find the words with the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others.


A. prehistoric         

B. economic               

C. linguistic                

D. optimistic


A. government       

B. celebrate                

C. nominee                 

D. popular


A. imbecile             

B. impossible              

C. uncommon                        

D. unhappy

III. Find the word that has different stress pattern in each line.


A. tool                    

B. moon                     

C. soon                       

D. cook


A. crossed                        

B. followed                

C. fluttered                

D. happened


A. tear                  

B. bear                        

C. hear                       

D. fear

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

12. Some documents say that people __________ the Glastonbury Festival since the beginning of the 19th century.

A. celebrated              

B. were celebrating                

C. have celebrated                 

D. celebrate

13. The flight number 781 to Melbourne __________ at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

A. arrives                    

B. is arriving                          

C. has arrived                         

D. will arrive

14. - How is your holiday in New Zealand? - __________.

A. Really                    

B. Awesome                          

C. Absolutely right                

D. Sure

15. All the villages ___________ to safe areas before midnight last night.

A. evacuated              

B. were evacuated                 

C. had evacuated                   

D. had been evacuated

16. I'd be over the moon if I ___________ a chance to go to Disneyland in California.

A. have                       

B. had                                    

C. will have                            

D. would have

17. You should talk to your dad first because that fridge __________ not be suitable for your family.

A. can                         

B. may                                    

C. need                                  

D. ought

18. She doesn’t have the doctor's telephone number to book a(n) ________ with him.

A. ticket                     

B. appointment                      

C. lunch set                            

D. seat

19. The 21st century has already seen considerable ___________ in computer technology.

A. progress                 

B. progressing                        

C. progresses                          

D. process

20. What are you going to do next summer?" she asked.

A. She asked us what we were going to do the following summer.

B. She asked us what I was going to do the following summer.

C. She asked us what were we going to do the following summer.

D. She asked us what we was going to do the following summer.

V. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences.

21. The first experiment was __________, so we need to do another one. (SUCCEED)

22. The __________ between Vietnam and America is good. (FRIEND)

23. A lot of _________ to people and assets was left after a hurricane. (damageS)

VI. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.

24. It is reported that six people trapped in collapsed buildings have freed so far.

25. Everyone should be extreme worried about the hole in the ozone layer.

VII. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

New Zealand is a small country in the southern Pacific Ocean. There are two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as (26) _______ as many smaller islands. New Zealand is 268,000 square kilometres, about the same size as the United Kingdom.

There are four main cities. Auckland, in the north, is the largest city with a population (27) _______ over one million people. Auckland's population includes many different nationalities. For example, there are large groups of European, Maori, Pacific Island, Chinese and Indian people. Together with other smaller groups, they make Auckland an interesting and (28) _______ place to live.

Although Wellington is the capital, the centre of government, it is smaller and (29) _______ than Auckland with a population of 350,000. The main cities in the South Island are Christchurch, known as the Garden City, and Dunedin, which is often (30) _______ to a small Scottish city.


A. good                            

B. well                        

C. better                     

D. same


A. of                                 

B. with                                   

C. to                           

D. from


A. excitement                   

B. excited                   

C. exciting                 

D. excite


A. more quiet                   

B. quietly                   

C. most quiet             

D. quieter


A. compared                    

B. to compare             

C. been compared      

D. comparing

VIII. Read the following passage about tornadoes and choose the best answer.

Telephones help people speak to one another when they are apart. For more than a hundred years, nearly every telephone was a landline. A landline telephone is one that needs to be connected by a wire to a network of other telephones. Because of the wires, people could not take those telephones with them when they left their homes or offices.

What if you had to make a call while you were away from home? You had to find a pay phone. Pay phones are landlines found in public places. Many pay phones are on the street. You can make a call from inside a glass or metal space called a phone booth. Once you are inside the booth, you put coins into a slot in the phone to make a call.

Telephones have seen a lot of progress. Today, many people carry cell phones. Cell phones do not need to be connected with wires. They can be used almost anywhere and can fit in an adult's hand.

Many cell phones sold today are smart phones. A smart phone is a cell phone that has lots of computer-style features. For example, people use smart phones to check e-mail and go on the Internet. And all that can be done using something small enough to carry in a pocket!

31. What is a landline telephone?

A. a telephone that can be carried around in your pocket and used anywhere

B. a telephone that can be used in a public place

C. a telephone that needs to be connected by a wire to a network of other telephones

D. a telephone that can be used to check e-mail and go on the Internet

32. The article describes an example of a landline. What is an example of a landline?

A. a pay phone                       

B. a smart phone                    

C. a cell phone                       

D. a mobile phone

33. Pay phones are probably not used as much today as they were in the past. What piece of evidence supports this conclusion?

A. Many people today carry cell phones, which can be used almost anywhere.

B. Payphones are landlines that can be found in public places.

C. People could not take landlines with them when they left their homes.

D. People put coins into a slot in the pay phone to make a call.

34. What might be a reason that cell phones were invented?

A. People wanted to be able to make calls from their homes or offices.

B. People wanted to be able to make calls away from home without finding a pay phone.

C. People wanted to be able to speak to one another when they were apart.

D. People wanted to be able to speak and see each other from far distance.

35. What is the main idea of this article?

A. Telephones are used to keep people apart as much as possible.

B. Cell phones are much less useful than landlines and pay phones.

C. Landlines and pay phones still play an important part in the world nowadays.

D. Telephones have been used for many years, and they have changed a lot over time.

IX. Rewrite the sentences using the word given in brackets.

36. They will widen the gate to let the cars run into the yard easily.

=> The gate ___________________________________________

37. I can't come because I have to help my dad with something.

=> If I ________________________________________________

38. As soon as we got on the plane, the pilot told us to get off again.

=> We had just _________________________________________

39. We wanted to know how they had returned to Earth.

=> “How ______________________________________________?” we asked.

40. Don't miss seeing the Opera House when you are in Sydney. (forget)

=> ___________________________________________________

------------------THE END------------------

Đề 3

I. Find the words with the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others.


A. think                  

B. through                  

C. nevertheless           

D. thumb


A. sew                    

B. few                        

C. drew                      

D. news


A. mineral              

B. pilot                       

C. five                        

D. size

II. Find the word that has different stress pattern in each line.


A. unpolluted         

B. unbalanced            

C. unreasonable         

D. unlawful


A. chocolate           

B. structural               

C. important               

D. natural


A. attractive           

B. perception              

C. cultural                  

D. expensive


A. nationality         

B. mobility                 

C. equality                  

D. majority

III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

8. _____________ the Di Vinci Code? - It's an interesting book?

A. Have you ever reading                                                      

B. Have you ever read

C. Has you read                                                                     

D. You have read

9. Which country doesn't speak English as an official language?

A. England                             

B. Australia                            

C. Singapore                          

D. Korea

10. Charles _________ his father in the shop until school ____________.

A. was helping - will start                                                      

B. helped - was starting

C. is helping - starts                                                               

D. has helped - is starting

11. When a volcanic eruption occurs, the hot _________ pours downhill.

A. ash                                     

B. smoke                                

C. dirt                                     

D. lava

12. I don't know how we can ____________ with her. She's too far away.

A. keep in touch                     

B. cope                                   

C. catch up                             

D. keep pace

13. At 8 a.m. tomorrow, he ____________ with his friends in America

A. are chatting                       

B. will be chatting                 

C. chatted                              

D. chats

14. "What's she doing?" - I wondered what __________.

A. was she doing                   

B. is she doing                       

C. she is doing           

D. she was doing

15. It was guessed that the fish died _____________ a powerful toxin in the sea water.

A. since                                  

B. because                              

C. because of                         

D. as a result

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the word given in brackets.

16. Possibly he isn't the captain of Star Trek. (may)

=> _________________________________

17. “Can you lend me your iPad for a few minutes?” said Hoa to Thanh. (if)

=> Hoa asked ________________________

18. Tom plans to open another restaurant in Manchester next month. (is)

=> _________________________________

19. Powerful tsunami waves carried ships many kilometers inland.

=> Ships ____________________________

20. Stop swimming in that lake, or you will have skin rashes.

=> If _______________________________

V. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences.

21. The Earth would be a happy planet if human beings, animals and plants (peace) ____ co-existed.

22. He is still at work! He (come) __________ late I am afraid.

23. It (take) ___________ the Earth 365 days to go around the sun.

24. What makes this magazine so _____________? (popularize)

25. We apologize for the ____________ caused to the passengers. (convenient)

VI. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each blank.

No more teachers? No more books? For today's kids, the Internet has all the answers.

Gadgets come and go and most of them don't have a very long life. The Internet, (26) ______, seems to be here to stay. The World Wide Web is now the largest information (27) ______ in the world and teenagers can find more or less anything they want there. They can download music and films, watch TV, listen to the radio, send e-mails and even shop online.

In the United States for example, more than 78% of kids go online, according to a recent study. A lot of them are just surfing the Web and instant messaging their friends. But 94% of those online said they also used it (28) ______ schoolwork. This technology has allowed them to access a vast store of knowledge which was inaccessible before. With online tutoring and virtual schools, technology allows students to get specific help. It is also (29) _______ to be a part of a study group or discuss school projects with international e-mail pals. Perhaps more than anything, the Internet search engine Google has changed homework habits across the globe. But the problem is that it is so easy to “copy and paste” that teachers (30) ________ to change homework assignments or projects every year.


A. moreover                     

B. because                  

C. however                 

D. although


A. resource                       

B. technology             

C. informatics            

D. generation


A. in                                 

B. on                          

C. with                       

D. for


A. possible                       

B. possibility              

C. possibly                 

D. posset


A. must                            

B. should                    

C. had                        

D. need

VII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

Every year, the average temperature of the Earth's surface gets a little bit warmer. This gradual trend is called global warming. Warmer weather may sound nice, but global warming is something to be very concerned about.

Scientists are worried that continued warmer temperatures could damage the environment in many devastating ways. Rising temperatures might cause plants and animals to become extinct. They could melt enough polar ice to cause the levels of the sea to rise. Weather patterns could also change. There might be more droughts or serious storms with flooding. In some areas, human diseases could spread.

What is causing global warming? Humans are mostly to blame. Pollution from factories and cars add toxic gases to the air. These gases rise to the Earth's atmosphere. As the sun’s rays warm the Earth, the gases work much like the glass in a greenhouse. They help trap the heat in the atmosphere and make the Earth grow warmer. That is why they are nicknamed “greenhouse gases.”

It is our responsibility to take care of our planet. Global warming is a serious problem with serious consequences. If we want future generations to enjoy their time on Earth, we must act now!

31. Which of the following is not a possible effect of global warming?

A. weather patterns changing                                    

B. plants and animals becoming extinct

C. more polar ice                                                       

D. human diseases spreading

32. In the sentence: “Warmer weather may sound nice, but global warming is something to be very concerned about.” (in paragraph 1), the author suggests that people may not __________.

A. understand how serious colder weather is            

B. take global warming seriously

C. care about warmer weather                                   

D. think warmer weather sounds nice

33. The statement that “humans are mostly to blame” in paragraph 3 suggests that ___________.

A. humans have been blamed for global warming

B. humans have not been blamed for global warming

C. humans are mostly responsible for global warming

D. there are many factors that cause global warming

34. From the description of greenhouse gases, it can be concluded that a greenhouse is __________.

A. a glass structure                                                    

B. the Earth                            

C. a colored home                                                      

D. a type of gas

35. This passage is mostly about ___________.

A. the solutions to global warming

B. the different types of global warming

C. the reasons why global warming is not a serious problem

D. the causes and effects of global warming

VIII. Listen and fill in the blank with ONE suitable word or number.

36. English is used as an _________ or national language in about 70 countries.

37. Although English is a very popular language, it is not the most common _______ language in the world.

38. Chinese, ________ and Spanish all have more native speakers than English.

39. English speaking countries speak slightly __________ varieties of English.

40. There are ________ English, British English and American English.

------------------THE END-----------------

Đề 4

I. Listen and decide if the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).

1. Humans have never contacted with aliens.

2. Fermi Paradox suggests that it will exist on Earth-like planets in the universe.

3. Extraterrestrials may not have decoded the signals we sent.

4. Signals from Earth have reached 8,500 stars.

5. Researcher Evan Solomonides said that there are no aliens in space.

II. Find the word with the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others.


A. honest                

B. house                     

C. hour                       

D. honor


A. suggestion         

B. action                     

C. creation                  

D. invention


A. message             

B. usage                     

C. massage                 

D. marriage

III. Find the word that has different stress pattern in each line.


A. national             

B. cultural                  

C. popular                  

D. musician


A. negative           

B. scholarship            

C. develop                  

D. purposeful


A. entertainment  

B. population             

C. perspicacious         

D. temporary


A. unsuitable        

B. emotionless            

C. uneventful             

D. informative

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

13. ________ not to make mistakes, type slowly and carefully.

A. So                          

B. In order                              

C. So that                   

D. To

14. Would you mind ________ the phone for me?

A. to answer               

B. answer                               

C. answering              

D. please answer

15. The polluted chemical waste was dumped into the ocean; _____________, the mass of fish died.

A. because                  

B. as                                       

C. because of             

D. consequently

16. What _________ you do if you were President?

A. would                    

B. will                                    

C. do                          

D. did 

17. Before the meeting finished, they had arranged when __________ next.

A. they met                

B. they to meet                       

C. to meet                   

D. meeting

18. From 1865 to 1875, a remarkable __________ of inventions was produced.

A. diversity                

B. mixture                              

C. variety                   

D. collection

19. Surely Andrew ___________ in fairies for long enough. Let’s tell him the truth.

A. believes                 

B. is believing                        

C. has believed           

D. will believe

20. My brother had never been abroad ___________ he joined the army.

A. since                      

B. until                                   

C. during                    

D. while

V. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets.

21. Her younger sister can be (annoy) _____________ when she behaves haughtily.

22. The (hot) _____________ makes everybody very drowsy during the lesson in class.

23. If they had enough money, they (buy) ____________ a new car.

24. The (nation) _____________ anthem of Viet Nam is Tien Quan Ca or Army March.

25. The council has promised to deal with the problem of (employ) _________ among young people.

VI. Read the passage and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

How Did English Spread Throughout the World?

The arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in Britain is usually considered the beginning of the English language’s spread. The language changed when Norse invaders brought several new words, which were added into daily speech. English began to borrow some words from French and Latin.

During the Medieval period, English started to become more standardized. As London grew, other dialects of English began to fade or merge into what we think of as English today. The British Empire is typically considered the next major phase of English’s spread. As England invaded regions around the world and established colonies, it brought English with it.

Today, English is the third most common primary language in the world, right behind Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. Over one billion people across the world speak English, though only around 380 million speak it as their first language. It is one of the most commonly studied languages and is sometimes called a global language because it is used for international organizations. Pilots are required to communicate in English for international flights, and organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union list English as an official working language. This is partly because so many countries speak English or recognize it as an official language.

26. Norse invaders made the beginning of the English language’s spread. _______

27. English has started to become more standardized since the Medieval period. _______

28. English today is the consolidation of other dialects of English. _______

29. English is one of the most common primary languages in the world. ______

30. The ability of communicating in English is a requirement for pilots for international flights, and organizations. _____

VII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to complete the passage.

A drought is a period or condition of unusually dry weather within a geographic area where rainfall is normally present. During a drought there is a (31) ______ of precipitation. Droughts occur in all climatic zones. However, its characteristics vary significantly (32) ______ one region to another.

Its (33) ________ depends on the degree of the water shortage, size of area affected, and the duration and warmth of the dry period. In many underdeveloped countries, such as India, people place a great  demand on water supply. During a drought period (34) ________ is a lack of water, and thus many of the poor die.

(35) ________ drought cannot be reliably predicted, certain precautions can be taken in drought-risk areas. These include construction of reservoirs to hold emergency water supplies, education to avoid over cropping and overgrazing, and programs to limit settlement in drought-prone areas.


A. addition                       

B. abundance             

C. lack            

D. success


A. from                

B. at                           

C. with           

D. during


A. serious             

B. seriousness             

C. seriously    

D. series


A. have                 

B. there                      

C. where         

D. these


A. Although         

B. However                

C. Besides      

D. Because

VIII. Rewrite the sentences using the word given in brackets.

36. We've never been to the United States before.

=> It's __________________________________

37. A mechanic is going to service my car tomorrow because yesterday's storm damaged it severely.

=> My car _______________________________

38. "I won't help you with your homework. Never! Katarina said to me.

=> Katarina refused _______________________

39. It's possible the weather will be sunny tomorrow. (might)

=> _____________________________________

40. Vicky and Tiffany are so kind to help the injured people in that devastating tsunami.

=> It’s __________________________________

------------------THE END------------------

Đề 5

I. Find the word that has a different stress pattern in each line.


A. intrusive            

B. connection             

C. numerous               

D. dramatic


A. implementation

B. generosity              

C. possibility              

D. automatically


A. impair                

B. unhurt                    

C. effect                     

D. insect


A. valueless            

B. resourceful             

C. essential                 

D. surprising

II. Find the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.


A. verbal                

B. customer                

C. generous                

D. afternoon


A. connection         

B. creation                  

C. information            

D. suggestion


A. table                  

B. climb                     

C. cube                       

D. stab

III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

8. Professor Colin Evers, _______ I ask a question about life on Venus?

A. can                         

B. must                                   

C. may                        

D. will

9. Working hours will fall to under 35 a week, __________?

A. will they                

B. won't they                          

C. won't it                  

D. will it

10. What __________ if you saw a UFO?

A. do you do              

B. will you do                        

C. would you do        

D. did you do

11. That exercise looks difficult. I _________ you.

A. will help                

B. am going to help                

C. helped                    

D. am helping

12. You shrug your shoulders means “__________ ”.

A. I'm happy.             

B. I don't know.                     

C. I'm angry.              

D. Sorry. I need to go now.

13. John managed __________ his family in England by using Zalo.

A. contact                  

B. to contact                           

C. contacting              

D. to contacting

14. They __________ about video conferences at this time next Monday.

A. will talk                 

B. will be talking                   

C. are talking              

D. are going to talk

15. It's difficult to ___________ what the planet Earth will be like in 100 years' time.

A. imagine                  

B. expect                                

C. remember               

D. see

IV. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets.

16. The street doesn't look ___________ because it has a lot of rubbish. ATTRACT

17. Do you know that the telephone, the television and penicillin are Scottish _______? (INVENT)

18. A ______ is a scientist who studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the Earth. (GEOLOGY)

19. 95% of the atmosphere on Mars is carbon dioxide, which is ________ to breathe. (POISON)

20. Do you think astronauts feel a great sense of _______ when they travel alone in space? (LONELY)

V. Rewrite the sentences as long as keep the similar meaning to the original one.

21. People spent more time communicating with each other in the past.

=> It took ______________________________.

22. He used to write letters to keep in touch with her when he lived far from her.

=> Letters used to _______________________.

23. How long has that phone been used by our teacher?

=> When ______________________________?

24. How about going on a picnic this weekend?

=> Why don't we ________________________?

25. He suggested watching a comedy.

=> “Let’s ______________________________,” he said.

VI. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

New Zealand is a small country in the southern Pacific Ocean. There are two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as many smaller islands. New Zealand is 268,000 square kilometres, about the same size as the United Kingdom.

Maori people arrived from the Pacific in the 10th century, and by the 12th century there were many Maori settlements along the coasts of New Zealand. The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, which means ‘the land of the long white cloud’. Seven hundred years later, large numbers of Europeans started to settle in New Zealand. According to Government figures, the population of New Zealand in 2015 was over four million, and of these, about 75 percent lived in the North Island.

There are four main cities. Auckland, in the north, is the largest city with a population of over one million people. Auckland's population includes many different nationalities. For example, there are large groups of European, Maori, Pacific Island, Chinese and Indian people. Together with other smaller groups, they make Auckland an interesting and exciting place to live.

Although Wellington is the capital, the centre of government, it is smaller and quieter than Auckland with a population of 350,000. The main cities in the South Island are Christchurch, known as the Garden City, and Dunedin, which is often compared to a small Scottish city.

26. Where is New Zealand located?

=> __________________________________________

27. When did Maori people first come to New Zealand?

=> __________________________________________

28. What does “Aotearoa” mean?

=> __________________________________________

29. Where do most New Zealanders live?

=> __________________________________________

30. Why is Auckland an interesting city?

=> __________________________________________

VII. Read and choose the correct word from the box to complete the passage. There is an extra word.





hook up


The Internet is the world's largest computer network with over 100 million users worldwide and this number is doubling from year to year. Now, you can sit at your computer, choose a route and arrive at your destination - that is, the information you need. Today, from your computer, you (31) _______ access a library in one country, talk to an expert on a certain topic in a second country and send your own information to someone doing research in a third. So, we don’t know what will be next  in the not-too-distant future.

The Internet was born (32) _______ scientists attempted to connect the American Defence Network to other satellite networks in (33) _______ to exchange information. Soon, scientific and educational institutions as well as research departments became interested in linking up, and, before long, the Internet had expanded into an international information and communication network.

The Internet now (34) _______ all the countries in the world. You can be connected to the Internet directly through your own computer or you can (35) _______ to an access system which allows you to use some of the Internet’s services.

VIII. Listen and match the sentence with correct letter A, B, C or D. There is an extra option.

36. Hurricanes are ______

37. The reason hurricanes happen is that ______

38. Hurricanes often happen _______

39. Hurricanes can _________

40. Scientists can ________

A. affect ships, blow down houses, cause floods and disrupt traffic.

B. tropical storms with strong winds.

C. usually track hurricanes, but they cannot stop them.

D. the water evaporates from the warm sea.

E. over the warm parts of oceans.

F. of the U.S.A, Australia, and Japan.

------------------THE END------------------

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