Task 2 - Read and listen to the dialogue. Who do you think is more enthusiastic about seeing the film: Jack or Ellie? Find evidence for your opinion - SHS Friends Global 11 page 28

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

Ellie: At last! I've been waiting for ages. Where have you been? What have you been doing?

Jack: My bus didn't come. I've been trying to phone you since 7.30...

Ellie: You're 25 minutes late! The film has started.

Jack: Sorry. Do you still want to see it?

Ellie: Yes, I do. I've been looking forward to it for weeks. It stars my favourite actor. And I've already bought the tickets!

Jack: Let's go inside then.

Ellie: OK. But why is your hair wet? It hasn't been raining.

Jack: That's sweat. I've been running for 25 minutes! And I haven't eaten. Can we see the film later?


2. Phương pháp giải

Đọc và nghe đoạn đối thoại. Bạn nghĩ ai là người nhiệt tình hơn khi xem bộ phim: Jack hay Ellie? Tìm bằng chứng cho ý kiến của bạn.


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Ellie is more enthusiastic about seeing the film than Jack.

- Ellie has been waiting for Jack for ages and is upset that he is late.

- Ellie has been looking forward to seeing the film for weeks and has already bought the tickets.

- Ellie is still willing to see the film even though it has already started.

Jack, on the other hand, is apologetic for being late and suggests seeing the film later because he is sweaty and hungry.

Here is some specific evidence from the dialogue:

- Ellie says "At last! I've been waiting for ages" and "You're 25 minutes late! The film has started." This shows that she is impatient and frustrated with Jack's lateness.

- Ellie says "Yes, I do. I've been looking forward to it for weeks. It stars my favourite actor. And I've already bought the tickets!" This shows that she is very excited to see the film.

- Jack says "Sorry. Do you still want to see it?" and "Can we see the film later?" This shows that he is less enthusiastic about seeing the film and is willing to compromise.

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