Task 5 - Read the task below. Then prepare a plan for your blog post - SHS Friends Global 11 page 33

1. Nội dung câu hỏi

You recently went to a show performed by a number of different clubs at school. Write a blog post about it.

Where and when did the show take place?

Who attended the event and how did they react?

Give your personal opinion of the event.

Suggest two improvements for next year.

Paragraph 1: the time, the place and the clubs

Paragraph 2: the attendees and their reactions.

Paragraph 3: your opinions

Paragraph 4: suggested improvements


2. Phương pháp giải

Đọc nhiệm vụ dưới đây. Sau đó chuẩn bị một kế hoạch cho bài đăng trên blog của bạn.


3. Lời giải chi tiết

Paragraph 1: The time, the place, and the clubs

Last Saturday

 at my school. 

started at 7pm. 

the drama club, the choir, the dance club, and the music club.

Paragraph 2: The attendees and their reactions

students, parents, and teachers

Paragraph 3: 


impressed with the performances from all of the clubs.

especially enjoyed the performance from the drama club

the show was a great succes

Paragraph 4: Suggested improvements

the show could be longer

be more variety in the types of performances. 

recommend it to anyone who is interested in seeing the talents of the students at my school.

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